FluoroMax Plus
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
Lamp | Vertically mounted, CW, 150 W Ozone-free xenon arc lamp |
Gratings | 1200 groove/mm blazed at 330 nm (excitation) and 500 nm (emission), plane ruled |
| Automatic self-calibration of all wavelength drives and slits |
Monochromators | All reflective optics, Czerny-Turner spectrometers |
Detectors | Emission: R928P photon counting PMT (185-850 nm) and reference photodiode for monitoring lamp output |
Water Raman S/N | 10,000:1 (FSD method). See Signal-to-noise ratio |
Slits | Continuously variable from 0 to 29 nm |
Accuracy | 0.5 nm |
Repeatability | 0.1 nm |
Minimum step | 0.0525 nm |
Integration time | 0.001 to 160 sec |
Software | FluorEssence |
Spectral Correction Factors | Included |