A/D Conversion Unit, 4 Analog Input Channels
Model | KV-AD40 |
Type | A/D conversion unit |
Analogue I/O point | 4 points (differential input) |
Analogue I/O range (resolution) | Voltage | -10 to +10 V (2.5 mV 1/8,000) 0 to 10 V (2.5 mV 1/4,000) 0 to 5 V (1.25 mV 1/4,000) 1 to 5 V (1.25 mV 1/3,200) |
Input current | 0 to 20 mA (5 µA 1/4,000) 4 to 20 mA (5 µA 1/3,200) |
Input impedance | Voltage: 1 MΩ, Current: 250 Ω |
Conversion speed | 80 µs/ch |
Conversion precision | 25 °C ±5 °C | Voltage: ±0.2 % of F.S., Current: ±0.2 % of F.S. |
0 to 50 °C |
Insulation mode | Between unit and CPU: Photocoupler insulation, non-insulation between channels |
Absolute max. input | Voltage: ±15 V, Current: 30 mA |
Internal current consumption | 110 mA or less |
Weight | Approx. 150 g |