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CKD ZSP-C New joint stainless steel type
CKDZSP-CNew joint stainless steel typeType numberNameApplicable tube outer diameterConnection caliber (R)RemarksZSP-CStraightΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2
CKD GWJS※ GWJL※ GWJY※ GWJT※ GWJP※ GWP※ New joint (mini type)
CKDGWJS※GWJL※GWJY※GWJT※GWJP※GWP※New joint (mini type)Specifications:Type numberNameApplicable tube outer diameterConnection caliber (R)RemarksGWJS※StraightΦ3.2,Φ4,Φ6M3, M5, 1/8GWJL※ElbowΦ3.2, Φ4, Φ6M3
CKD ZW-S※ ZW-L※ ZW-T※ New joint stainless steel type
CKDZW-S※ZW-L※ZW-T※New joint stainless steel typeType numberNameApplicable tube outer diameterConnection caliber (R)RemarksZW-S※StraightΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2ZW-L※ElbowΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ
CKD GW※ New joint
CKDGW※New jointSpecifications:Type numberNameShapeApplicable tube outer diameterConnection caliber (R)RemarksGW※New joint-Φ3.2, Φ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12, Φ16M3, M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2
CKD CHV2 Check valve
CKDCHV2Check valveSpecifications:Model No.Product namePort size (Rc)Max. working pressure (MPa)Min. working pressure (MPa)RemarksCHV2Check valve1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/21.00.03
CKD ZJ-S ZJ-L ZJ-T ZJ-N Stainless steel tightening fitting
CKDZJ-SZJ-LZJ-TZJ-NStainless steel tightening fittingSpecifications:Model No.Product name Compatible tube O.D.ZJ-SStraightΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12ZJ-LElbowΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12ZJ-TTeeφ4, φ6, φ8, φ10, φ12ZJ
CKD F-15※※ FH-3224 NU U-92※※ U-95※※ KX-12※※ SR2 SR AZ-1200 Tube
CKDF-15※※FH-3224NUU-92※※U-95※※KX-12※※SR2SRAZ-1200TubeSpecifications:Model No.Product nameO.D. tube sizeLength per roll (m)Tube colorRemarksF-15※※Soft nylon tubeφ3.2, φ4, φ6, φ8, φ10, φ12, φ15, φ1620,
CKD UP-9102-F1 PTN2,PTNL2 UP-9402ーF1 EH-5802 PG CG SC3W SCL2 UP-9102-SR RG UP-91※※-F2 UP-92※※-F1 Fiber tube / dedicated fitting
CKDUP-9102-F1 PTN2,PTNL2 UP-9402ーF1 EH-5802 PG CG SC3W SCL2 UP-9102-SR RG UP-91※※-F2 UP-92※※-F1Fiber tube / dedicated fittingSpecifications:Model No.Product nameO.D. tube sizeLength per roll (m)Remark
CKD RJF Rotary fitting
CKDRJFRotary fittingSpecifications:Model No.Product namePort size (Rc)Working pressureNumber of circuitsRemarksRJFRotary fittingM5, 1/8-100 kPa to 0.7 MPa4, 6, 8, 12, 16
CKD MJS※ MJL※ MJT※ MJN※ MJU※ JL Tightening fitting / fitting
CKDMJS※MJL※MJT※MJN※MJU※JLTightening fitting / fittingSpecifications:Model No.Product nameCompatible tube O.D.Port size (R)RemarksMJS※Tightening Straightφ4, φ6, φ8, φ10, φ12, φ151/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2MJL※T
CKD Model No. FT※ FC※ FNS FS※ FA※ FB※ FWS FPL FLS FM※ FGS Miniature fitting
CKDModel No.FT※FC※FNSFS※FA※FB※FWSFPLFLSFM※FGSMiniature fittingSpecifications:Model No.Product nameShapeCompatible tube O.D.Port size (R)RemarksFT※Barbed fittingStraight, elbow, tee, barbed nippleφ3.2,
CKD ZSP-C Fitting (stainless steel)
CKDZSP-CFitting (stainless steel)Specifications:Model No.Product nameCompatible tube O.D.Port size (R)RemarksZSP-CStraightΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2
CKD GWJS※ GWJL※ GWJY※ GWJT※ GWJP※ GWP※ Fitting (Mini fitting)
CKDGWJS※GWJL※GWJY※GWJT※GWJP※GWP※Fitting (Mini fitting)Specifications:Model No.Product nameCompatible tube O.D.Port size (R)RemarksGWJS※StraightΦ3.2,Φ4,Φ6M3, M5, 1/8GWJL※ElbowΦ3.2, Φ4, Φ6M3, M5, 1/8GWJ
CKD ZW-S※ ZW-L※ ZW-T※ Fitting Stainless steel type
CKDZW-S※ZW-L※ZW-T※Fitting Stainless steel typeSpecifications:Model No.Product nameCompatible tube O.D.Port size (R)RemarksZW-S※StraightΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2ZW-L※ElbowΦ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ
CKD GW Fitting
CKDGWFittingSpecifications:Model No.Product nameShapeCompatible tube O.D.Port size (R)RemarksGW※Fitting-Φ3.2, Φ4, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, Φ12, Φ16M3, M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2
CKD CHL Compact check valve with push-in fitting
CKDCHLCompact check valve with push-in fittingSpecifications:Model No.Product namePort sizeMax. working pressure (MPa)Min. working pressure (MPa)RemarksCHLCompact check valve with push-in fittingM5, φ
CKD FPV Block valve
CKDFPVBlock valveSpecifications:Model No.Product namePort size (R)Max. working pressure (MPa)Min. working pressure (MPa)RemarksFPVBlockM5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/21.00
CKD SHV2 Shuttle valve
CKDSHV2Shuttle valveSpecifications:Model No.Product namePort size (Rc)Max. working pressure (MPa)Min. working pressure (MPa)RemarksSHV2Shuttle valve1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 11.0 0.05
OMRON J7KCA-40 AC24 J7KCA-31 AC24 J7KCA-22 AC24 J7KCA-40 AC48 J7KCA-31 AC48 J7KCA-22 AC48 J7KCA-40 AC100 J7KCA-31 AC100 J7KCA-22 AC100 J7KCA-40 AC110 J7KCA-31 AC110 J7KCA-22 AC110 J7KCA-40 AC120 J7KCA
OMRONJ7KCA-40 AC24 J7KCA-31 AC24 J7KCA-22 AC24 J7KCA-40 AC48 J7KCA-31 AC48 J7KCA-22 AC48 J7KCA-40 AC100 J7KCA-31 AC100 J7KCA-22 AC100 J7KCA-40 AC110 J7KCA-31 AC110 J7KCA-22 AC110 J7KCA-40 AC120 J7KCA-
OMRON J7TC-01-E15 J7TC-01-E20 J7TC-01-E27 J7TC-01-E36 J7TC-01-E52 J7TC-01-E72 J7TC-01-E96 J7TC-01-1E2 J7TC-01-1E4 J7TC-01-1E6 J7TC-01-2E1 J7TC-01-2E6 J7TC-01-3E4 J7TC-01-4E2 J7TC-01-6 J7TC-01-7E5 J7TC
OMRONJ7KCA-40 AC24 J7KCA-31 AC24 J7KCA-22 AC24 J7KCA-40 AC48 J7KCA-31 AC48 J7KCA-22 AC48 J7KCA-40 AC100 J7KCA-31 AC100 J7KCA-22 AC100 J7KCA-40 AC110 J7KCA-31 AC110 J7KCA-22 AC110 J7KCA-40 AC120 J7KCA-
OMRON J7MC-3P-E16 J7MC-3P-E25 J7MC-3P-E4 J7MC-3P-E63 J7MC-3P-1 J7MC-3P-1E6 J7MC-3P-2E5 J7MC-3P-4 J7MC-3P-6 J7MC-3P-10 J7MC-3P-13 J7MC-3P-16 J7MC-3P-20. J7MC-3R-E16 J7MC-3R-E25 J7MC-3R-E4 J7MC-3R-E63 J
OMRONJ7MC-3P-E16 J7MC-3P-E25 J7MC-3P-E4 J7MC-3P-E63 J7MC-3P-1 J7MC-3P-1E6 J7MC-3P-2E5 J7MC-3P-4 J7MC-3P-6 J7MC-3P-10 J7MC-3P-13 J7MC-3P-16 J7MC-3P-20. J7MC-3R-E16 J7MC-3R-E25 J7MC-3R-E4 J7MC-3R-E63 J7
OMRON J7KC-12-10 AC24 J7KC-12-01 AC24 J7KC-12-10 AC48 J7KC-12-01 AC48 J7KC-12-10 AC100 J7KC-12-01 AC100 J7KC-12-10 AC110 J7KC-12-01 AC110 J7KC-12-10 AC120 J7KC-12-01 AC120 J7KC-12-10 AC200 J7KC-12-01
OMRONJ7KC-12-10 AC24 J7KC-12-01 AC24 J7KC-12-10 AC48 J7KC-12-01 AC48 J7KC-12-10 AC100 J7KC-12-01 AC100 J7KC-12-10 AC110 J7KC-12-01 AC110 J7KC-12-10 AC120 J7KC-12-01 AC120 J7KC-12-10 AC200 J7KC-12-01 A
OMRON Model Number K3MA-F AC/DC24 K3MA-F AC100-240 K3MA-F-A2 AC/DC24 K3MA-F-A2 AC100-240 Frequency/Rate Meter
OMRONModel Number K3MA-F AC/DC24 K3MA-F AC100-240 K3MA-F-A2 AC/DC24 K3MA-F-A2 AC100-240Frequency/Rate MeterSpecifications:Consult with us when ordering any models that are not listed in thi
OMRON Model Number K3HB-VLC-B-DRT1 AC/DC24 K3HB-VLC-B-DRT1 AC100-240 K3HB-VLC-B1 AC/DC24 K3HB-VLC-B1 AC100-240 K3HB-VLC-BBCD1 AC/DC24 K3HB-VLC-BBCD1 AC100-240 K3HB-VLC-BC12 AC100-24
OMRONModel Number K3HB-VLC-B-DRT1 AC/DC24 K3HB-VLC-B-DRT1 AC100-240 K3HB-VLC-B1 AC/DC24 K3HB-VLC-B1 AC100-240 K3HB-VLC-BBCD1 AC/DC24 K3HB-VLC-BBCD1 AC100-240 K3HB-VLC-BC12 AC100-24
OMRON K3MA-J 100-240VAC K3MA-J-A2 100-240VAC K3MA-J 24VAC/VDC K3MA-J-A2 24VAC/VDC Process Meter
OMRONK3MA-J 100-240VAC K3MA-J-A2 100-240VAC K3MA-J 24VAC/VDC K3MA-J-A2 24VAC/VDCProcess MeterSpecifications:Input typeSupply voltageComparative Output ModelModelDC voltage/current100 to 240 VACNone *K
OMRON H8PS-8B H8PS-8BP H8PS-8BF H8PS-8BFP H8PS-16B H8PS-16BP H8PS-16BF H8PS-16BFP H8PS-32B H8PS-32BP H8PS-32BF H8PS-32BFP E6CP-AG5C-C 256P/R 2M E6C3-AG5C-C 256P/R 1M E6C3-AG5C-C 256P/R 2M E6C3-AG5C-C
OMRONH8PS-8B H8PS-8BP H8PS-8BF H8PS-8BFP H8PS-16B H8PS-16BP H8PS-16BF H8PS-16BFP H8PS-32B H8PS-32BP H8PS-32BF H8PS-32BFP E6CP-AG5C-C 256P/R 2M E6C3-AG5C-C 256P/R 1M E6C3-AG5C-C 256P/R 2M E6C3-AG5C-C
OMRON H8BM-RA DC24 H8BM-RB DC24 H8BM-RAD DC24 H8BM-RBD DC24 Multi-maintenance Counter/Timer (DIN 72 x 72)
OMRONH8BM-RA DC24 H8BM-RB DC24 H8BM-RAD DC24 H8BM-RBD DC24Multi-maintenance Counter/Timer (DIN 72 x 72)Specifications:Multi-maintenance Counter/TimerPreset stageNameplate letteringModel3-stage setting
OMRON H5L-A Daily Time Switch
OMRONH5L-ADaily Time SwitchSpecifications:WiringBackup power supply function for memory protectionNo. of program stepsModelScrew terminalsProvided (approx. 10 years at 25°C)24 (Each ON or OFF is consi
OMRON H5F-B H5F-FB H5F-KB Digital Daily Time Switch
OMRONH5F-B H5F-FB H5F-KBDigital Daily Time SwitchSpecifications:WiringMounting methodModelScrew terminalsFlush mountingH5F-BSurface mountingH5F-FBSurface mounting/track mountingH5F-KB
OMRONH5S-WB2 H5S-WB2D H5S-WFB2 H5S-WFB2D H5S-YB2-X H5S-YB2D-X H5S-YFB2-X H5S-YFB2D-X H5S-YB4-X H5S-YB4D-X H5S-YFB4-X H5S-YFB4D-XDigital Time SwitchSpecifications:Control cycleNumber of outputsMounting
OMRON H3FA-A 5DC H3FA-B 5DC --- --- H3FA-A 6DC H3FA-B 6DC --- --- H3FA-A 12DC H3FA-B 12DC --- --- H3FA-A 24DC H3FA-B 24DC --- --- --- ---
OMRONH3FA-A 5DC H3FA-B 5DC --- --- H3FA-A 6DC H3FA-B 6DC --- --- H3FA-A 12DC H3FA-B 12DC --- --- H3FA-A 24DC H3FA-B 24DC --- --- --- ---
OMRON H5AN-4D H5AN-4DM Digital Timer
OMRONH5AN-4D H5AN-4DMDigital TimerSpecifications:Operation systemResetting systemNo. of digitsBackup power supply function for memory protectionModelTime-limit operation, integrating operationPower-OF
KEYENCE FD-XS8 Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 8 L/min
KEYENCEFD-XS8Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 8 L/minSpecifications:ModelFD-XS8Supported pipe materialsMetal pipes, Plastic pipes (soft/hard) *1Supported fluidsLiquids (water, oil, adhesive, grease
KEYENCE FD-XS20E Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 20 L/min
KEYENCEFD-XS20ESensor head Maximum rated flow rate 20 L/minSpecifications:ModelFD-XS20ESupported pipe materialsMetal pipes, Plastic pipes (soft/hard) *1Supported fluidsLiquids (water, oil, adhesive, g
KEYENCE FD-XS20 Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 20 L/min
KEYENCEFD-XS20Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 20 L/minSpecifications:ModelFD-XS20Supported pipe materialsMetal pipes, Plastic pipes (soft/hard) *1Supported fluidsLiquids (water, oil, adhesive, gre
KEYENCE FD-XS1E Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 1 L/min
KEYENCEFD-XS1ESensor head Maximum rated flow rate 1 L/minSpecifications:ModelFD-XS1ESupported pipe materialsMetal pipes, Plastic pipes (soft/hard) *1Supported fluidsLiquids (water, oil, adhesive, grea
KEYENCE FD-XS1 Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 1 L/min
KEYENCEFD-XS1Sensor head Maximum rated flow rate 1 L/minSpecifications:ModelFD-XS1Supported pipe materialsMetal pipes, Plastic pipes (soft/hard) *1Supported fluidsLiquids (water, oil, adhesive, grease
KEYENCE FD-XA5E Controller Panel type, main unit
KEYENCEFD-XA5EController Panel type, main unitSpecifications:ModelFD-XA5ETypePanel type, main unitDisplay methodOutput indicator, 4-digit 7 segment display, OLED, Stability level displayDisplay refres
KEYENCE FD-XA5 Controller Panel type, main unit
KEYENCEFD-XA5Controller Panel type, main unitSpecifications:ModelFD-XA5TypePanel type, main unitDisplay methodOutput indicator, 4-digit 7 segment display, OLED, Stability level displayDisplay refresh
KEYENCE Controller DIN rail type, expansion unit FD-XA2E
KEYENCEController DIN rail type, expansion unitFD-XA2ESpecifications:ModelFD-XA2ETypeDIN rail type, expansion unitDisplay methodOutput indicator, 4-digit 7 segment display, OLED, Stability level displ
KEYENCE FD-XA2 Controller DIN rail type, expansion unit
KEYENCEFD-XA2Controller DIN rail type, expansion unitSpecifications:ModelFD-XA2TypeDIN rail type, expansion unitDisplay methodOutput indicator, 4-digit 7 segment display, OLED, Stability level display
KEYENCE FD-XA1E Controller DIN rail type, main unit
KEYENCEFD-XA1EController DIN rail type, main unitSpecifications:ModelFD-XA1ETypeDIN rail type, main unitDisplay methodOutput indicator, 4-digit 7 segment display, OLED, Stability level displayDisplay
KEYENCE FD-XA1 Controller DIN rail type, main unit
KEYENCEFD-XA1Controller DIN rail type, main unitSpecifications:ModelFD-XA1TypeDIN rail type, main unitDisplay methodOutput indicator, 4-digit 7 segment display, OLED, Stability level displayDisplay re
KEYENCE IV3-600MA Smart camera Wide field of view sensor model Monochrome AF type
KEYENCEIV3-600MASmart camera Wide field of view sensor model Monochrome AF typeSpecifications:ModelIV3-600MATypeWide viewInstalled distance50 mm or more *1ToolsAvailable modesStandard mode / Sorting m
KEYENCE IV3-600CA Smart camera Wide field of view sensor model Colour AF type
KEYENCEIV3-600CASmart camera Wide field of view sensor model Colour AF typeSpecifications:ModelIV3-600CATypeWide viewInstalled distance50 mm or more *1ToolsAvailable modesStandard mode / Sorting modeA
KEYENCE IV3-500MA Smart camera Standard model Monochrome AF type
KEYENCEIV3-500MASmart camera Standard model Monochrome AF typeSpecifications:ModelIV3-500MATypeStandardInstalled distance50 mm or more *1ToolsAvailable modesStandard mode / Sorting modeAvailable ToolL
KEYENCE Smart camera Standard model Colour AF type IV3-500CA
KEYENCESmart camera Standard model Colour AF typeIV3-500CASpecifications:ModelIV3-500CATypeStandardInstalled distance50 mm or more *1ToolsAvailable modesStandard mode / Sorting modeAvailable ToolLearn
KEYENCECV-L6LensSpecifications:ModelCV-L6Focal point6 mmF-stop range (aperture)F1.4 to CLOSEMinimum WD0.2 mMountC-mountFilter size30.5 mm P0.5Compatible image/CCD size1/2"TV distortion-1.8 % (-1.
KEYENCECV-L50LensSpecifications:ModelCV-L50Focal point50 mmF-stop range (aperture)F1.8 to CLOSEMinimum WD1.0 mMountC-mountFilter size30.5 mm P0.5Compatible image/CCD size2/3"TV distortion-0.2 % (
KEYENCECV-L3LensSpecifications:ModelCV-L3Focal point3.5 mmF-stop range (aperture)F1.6 to CLOSEMinimum WD0.1 mMountC-mountFilter size43.0 mm P0.75Compatible image/CCD size1/2"TV distortion-10.0 %
KEYENCECV-L16LensSpecifications:ModelCV-L16Focal point16 mmF-stop range (aperture)F1.6 to CLOSEMinimum WD0.4 mMountC-mountFilter size27.0 mm P0.5Compatible image/CCD size2/3"TV distortion-0.8 % (
KEYENCECA-LS6LensSpecifications:ModelCA-LS6TypeLensOverviewSpecialised lens for the compact camera (ø12).
SSD CABS Bar-type Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: CABSProduct Name: Bar-type IonizerSpecification:ModelCABS-AW-x-y-****System configurationElectric discharge electrode: CABS-DBW-××××*1Controller: CABS-CT1-××××*1High voltage power sup
SSD BF-6MB WINSTAT Series Fan Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-6MB WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-6MBInput power supply24 VDC (AC adapter AC 100 to 240V )Electric consumption30 VA (Maximum Air flow)Output voltage±
SSD BF-X4MB WINSTAT Series Fan Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-X4MB WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-X4MBInput power supply24 VDC (AC adapter AC 100 to 240V )Electric consumption25 VA (Maximum Air flow)Output voltag
SSD BF-X2ME WINSTAT Series Fan Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-X2ME WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-X2MEInput PowerDC24V (AC adaptor AC100~240V available)Capacity12VAOutput Voltage±7,500Vo-pIon BalanceBelow ±5V (Di
SSD AGZⅢ-PA Gun Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: AGZⅢ-PAProduct Name: Gun IonizerSpecification:ModelAGZⅢ-PAInput power supply24VDC (with AC100~240VAC adapter)Electric consumptionApprox. 100mAWeightApprox 290g (when only the wave mot
Brand: SSDModel: AGZⅢ PIEZONIZER SeriesProduct Name: Gun IonizerSpecification:ModelAGZ ⅢInput power supply24 VDC (AC adapter supplied; compatible with 100 to 240 VAC)Ion balance±15 V or less(at factor
Brand: SSDModel: AGZⅣ PIEZONIZER SeriesProduct Name: Gun IonizerSpecification:ModelAGZⅣInput VoltageDC 24V (AC adapter supplied; compatible with AC 100V to 240V)Capacity2.4VAOutput VoltageAC2,500V (3p
SSD ZappⅡ-L PIEZONIZER Series Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: ZappⅡ-L PIEZONIZER SeriesProduct Name: IonizerSpecification:ModelZapp Ⅱ-LInput power supplyDC+24 V ±10%Electric consumption2.4 VAOutput voltageAC 2,000 VDischarge methodHigh Frequency
SSD ZappⅡ PIEZONIZER Series Nozzle type ideal ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: ZappⅡ PIEZONIZER SeriesProduct Name: Nozzle type ideal ionizerSpecification:ModelZapp ⅡInput power supplyDC+24 V ±10%Electric consumption2.4 VAAir pressure*1 Please check with below s
SSD ZappⅢ AC-type compact ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: ZappⅢProduct Name: AC-type compact ionizerSpecification:ModelZappⅡ(Standard)ZappⅡ-H(High-flow type)ZappⅢ-C(Flow-control type)Input VoltageDC+24 V±10%Capacity2.4VAOutput VoltageAC 2,50
SSD BF-X4ZB WINSTAT Series Compact Air Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-X4ZB WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Compact Air IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-X4ZBInput power supplyDC24 V (with AC100 to 240 V AC adapter)Electric consumption25 VAOutput voltageAC 3,0
SSD BF-X2ZB-V2 WINSTAT Series fan-type ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-X2ZB-V2 WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: fan-type ionizerSpecification:ModelBF-X2ZB-V2Input power supplyDC24 V (with AC100 to 240 V AC adapter)Electric consumption10 VAOutput voltageAC
SSD BF-XZB WINSTAT Series Compact Air Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-XZB WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Compact Air IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-XZBInput power supply24 VDC(AC adaptor AC100~240V available)Capacity7.2 VAOutput voltage2.5 kVACIon balance
SSD BF-SZAⅡ WINSTAT Series Ultra compact fan ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-SZAⅡ WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Ultra compact fan ionizerSpecification:ModelBF-SZAⅡInput power supply24 VDC±5% (AC adaptor is not included)Capacity5 VAOutput voltage2.5 kVACIon ba
SSD BF-OHP3B WINSTAT Series Fan Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-OHP3B WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-OHP3BInput power supplyAC Inlet 100 to 240 VAC 50/60HzCapacity42VA Output voltage±7500 V0-pIon balanceWithin ±10V
SSD BF-XMB WINSTAT Series Fan Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-XMB WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-XMBInput power supply24 VDC (with AC 100~240V ACadapter)Electric consumption6 VAOutput voltage±7,000 V0-pIon balanc
SSD BF-X2MC WINSTAT Series Fan Ionizer
Brand: SSDModel: BF-X2MC WINSTAT SeriesProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification: ModelBF-X2MCInput PowerDC24V (AC Adaptor AC100~240V avairable)Capacity18VAOutput Voltage±7,500Vo-pIon BalanceBelow ±5V (D
Brand: SSDModel: BF-X4ME WINSTATProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-X4ME Input powerDC24V (AC adaptor AC100~240V)Capacity 25 VA(Maximum Fan speed)Output Voltage±7,500 V0-pIon BalanceBelow ±
Brand: SSDModel: BF-XME WINSTATProduct Name: Fan IonizerSpecification:ModelBF-XMEInput power supplyDC24 V (with AC 100~240V ACadapter)Electric consumption6 VAOutput voltage±7,000 V0-pIon balance±3V or
Brand: SSDModel: ELIMINOSTAT CABXProduct Name: Bar ionizerSpecification:ModelELIMINATOR CABXIon generation methodCorona discharge method (HDC-AC)Input power supplyDC24 V ±5 %Output voltage under abnor
AND AD-4991-2510 AD-4991-2515 AD-4991-3530 AD-4991-4530 X-ray Inspection Systems
Brand: ANDModel: AD-4991-2510 AD-4991-2515 AD-4991-3530 AD-4991-4530Product Name: X-ray Inspection Systems Specifications:ModelAD-4991-2510AD-4991-2515AD-4991-3530AD-499
AND AD4971 - 3510 AD4971 - 3517 AD4971 - 3525 AD4971 - 4517 Metal Detectors
Brand: ANDModel: AD4971 - 3510 AD4971 - 3517 AD4971 - 3525 AD4971 - 4517Product Name: Metal Detectors Specifications:ModelAD4971- 3510AD4971- 3517AD4971- 3525AD4971- 4517A
AND AD-4976-3510 AD-4976-3517 AD-4976-3525 AD-4976-4517 AD-4976-4525 Metal Detectors
Brand: ANDModel: AD-4976-3510 AD-4976-3517 AD-4976-3525 AD-4976-4517 AD-4976-4525Product Name: Metal Detectors Specifications:ModelAD-4976-3510AD-4976-3517AD-
AND AD-4943B-30K AD-4943B-30K Heavy Duty Checkweigher AD-4943B
Brand: ANDModel: AD-4943B-30K AD-4943B-30KProduct Name: Heavy Duty Checkweigher AD-4943B Specifications:Weighing UnitModelAD-4943B-30KElectric frequency50 Hz60 HzCapacity30 kgAccuracy±20 gReadability5
AND AD-4942B-15K AD-4942B-30K AD-4942B-15K AD-4942B-30K Heavy Duty Checkweigher
Brand: ANDModel: AD-4942B-15K AD-4942B-30K AD-4942B-15K AD-4942B-30KProduct Name: Heavy Duty Checkweigher Specifications:Weighing UnitModelAD-4942B-15KAD-4942B-30KElectric frequency50 Hz
AND AD-4961-600-1224 AD-4961-2KD-2035 Checkweighers
Brand: ANDModel: AD-4961-600-1224 AD-4961-2KD-2035Product Name: Checkweighers Specifications:ModelAD-4961-600-1224AD-4961-2KD-2035AD-4961-6K-3050Capacity600g500g / 2,000g6,000gResolution0.01g0.01g /
AND AD-8551R RS-232C to RS-485 Converter
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8551RProduct Name: RS-232C to RS-485 Converter Specifications: Power supply voltageDC 12 to 24 V + 10 % - 15 %Power consumption2 W Max.InterfaceRS-485 ×1 (for connecting to control
AND AD-8552EIP RS-232C to EtherNet/IP Converter
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8552EIPProduct Name: RS-232C to EtherNet/IP Converter Specifications: Power supply voltageDC 24 V +10%, -15%Power consumption9 W max. (when power is supplied to 4 weighing instrume
AND AD-8541-PC Bluetooth® Dongle for PC
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8541-PCProduct Name: Bluetooth® Dongle for PC Specifications:Supported operating systemWindows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10/11, 32/64 bitCommunication distance10 m maximum (line of sight)Powe
AND AD-8541-SCALE RS-232C to Bluetooth® Converter
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8541-SCALEProduct Name: RS-232C to Bluetooth® Converter Specifications:Communication distance10 m maximum (line of sight)Dedicated power supplyNot required (for some balances/scale
AND AD-8527 Quick USB Adapter
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8527Product Name: Quick USB Adapter Specifications:Clock error±1 minute / monthCompatible OSWindows 2000 / XP / VistaDedicated power supplyNot required. Power is supplied by the we
AND AD-8526 RS-232C / Ethernet (TCP/IP) Converter
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8526Product Name: RS-232C / Ethernet (TCP/IP) Converter Specifications:Operating environment-10 ˚C to 40 ˚C (14 ˚F to 104 ˚F)Power consumptionApprox. 11 VA (supplied to the AC adap
AND AD-8127 Compact Printer
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8127Product Name: Compact Printer Specifications:Character specifications7 × 9 dots, 1.6 (W) × 3.2 (H) mmPrinting speedApprox. 1.6 lines/secondPaper feeding speedApprox. 4 lines/se
AND AX-USB-25P / AX-USB-9P / AX-USB-DIN USB Converter and Cable Set
Brand: ANDModel: AX-USB-25P / AX-USB-9P / AX-USB-DINProduct Name: USB Converter and Cable Set Specifications:USB Converter and Cable Set ModelAX-USB-25P (D-Sub 25P male - USB)AX-USB-9P (D-Sub 9P femal
Brand: ANDModel: AD-8118CProduct Name: UNIVERSAL PRINTER Specifications:Power100V to 240V(+10% -15%) AC (85V to 264V AC), 50/60HzWeightpprox. 2.0kg (Shipping weight: approx. 3.5kg)Operating temp. &
AND AD-1689 Tweezers for Calibration Weight
Brand: ANDModel: AD-1689Product Name: Tweezers for Calibration WeightSpecifications:Material ------ Austenitic stainless steel (SUS 304)Length ------ 210mmWeight ------ Approx. 50g
AND AX-TWEEZERS-25 Tweezers for Calibration Weight
Brand: ANDModel: AX-TWEEZERS-25Product Name: Tweezers for Calibration WeightSpecifications:Material------METAL: Stainless steel (SUS 316)RESIN: Polycarbonate + 10% carbon + 10% glass fiberLength------
AND AD-1688 Weighing Data Logger
Brand: ANDModel: AD-1688Product Name: Weighing Data LoggerSpecifications:Memory sizeApprox. 5,000 data sets in the standard format (15 characters in 1 data set) can be storedClock error±1 minute / mon
AND AD-1687 Weighing Environment Logger
Brand: ANDModel: AD-1687Product Name: Weighing Environment LoggerSpecifications:Data capacityMaximum 10,000 sets (including date and time)Interval time1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15,
AND AD-1684A Electrostatic Field Meter
Brand: ANDModel: AD-1684AProduct Name: Electrostatic Field MeterSpecifications:Range------0 to ±1.49 kV (low range) ±1.0 kV to ±30.0 kV (high range) 0 to ±300V (ion balance measuring range)Power suppl
HAKKO FD200-03 Soldering Pen
HAKKOFD200-03Soldering PenSpecifications:Product numberFD200-03Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption7.5WPlug shapeflat plug
HAKKO515HOT KNIFE SETSpecifications:Product number515Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption40WheaterNichrome heaterattached tipKnife type (part number 515-T), Φ4 x 70mm (part number 502-T)Plug sh
HAKKO 537-02 545-02 780-02 790-02 STAINED GLASS
HAKKO537-02 545-02 780-02 790-02STAINED GLASSSpecifications:Product number537-02545-02780-02790-02Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption80W100W80W100WheaterNichrome heaterattached tipΦ8×95mm(Prod
HAKKO FX-601 For stained glass
HAKKOFX-601For stained glassSpecifications:Product numberFX601-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption47WSet temperature range240~540℃heaterCeramic heaterattached tipType 6.5C (part number T19-C
HAKKO 250-1 251-01 Styrofoam cutter
HAKKO250-1 251-01Styrofoam cutterSpecifications:Product number250-1251-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60Hz2 x AA batteries (sold separately)Alkaline batteries (about 170 minutes)Manganese battery (about 45
HAKKO FD210-01 Electric heating pen with temperature control function
HAKKOFD210-01Electric heating pen with temperature control functionSpecifications:Product numberFD210-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption45WPlug shapeflat plugSet temperature rangeRoom tempe
HAKKO FD200-01 Electric heating pen for introductory wood burning
HAKKOFD200-01Electric heating pen for introductory wood burningSpecifications:Product numberFD200-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption7.5WPlug shapeflat plug
HAKKO 310-1 311-1 Sealer
HAKKO310-1 311-1SealerSpecifications:Product number310-1311-1Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption260WPlug shapeflat plugType of sealWeldingfertingSeal width1.6mm-seal length350mm (Max.)Extern
HAKKO FV-802 Melter Sealer/Sealer
HAKKOFV-802Melter Sealer/SealerSpecifications:Product numberFV802-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumptionWhen using a heated heater for melting: 260WWhen using a heater for fusing: 240WPlug shap
HAKKO FV-803 Melter Sealer/Sealer
HAKKOFV-803Melter Sealer/SealerSpecifications:Product numberFV803-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption500WPlug shapeflat plugType of sealWeldingSeal width5mmseal length200mm (Max.)External di
HAKKO FV-801 Melter Sealer/Sealer
HAKKOFV-801Melter Sealer/SealerSpecifications:Product numberFV801-01Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption800WPlug shapeflat plugType of sealWelding and fusingSeal width5mmseal length350mm (Max.)
HAKKO805MELTERSpecifications:Product number805-1Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption14WPlug shapeflat plugAttached nozzleNozzle diameter Φ2.0mm (part number A1307)Nozzle temperature170℃Liquid d
HAKKO804-1MELTERSpecifications:Product number804-1Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption100WPlug shapeTwo-pole grounded plugSet temperature range100 to 200 ℃ (temperature variable)Attached nozzle
HAKKO 806-1 Melter Sealer/Melter
HAKKO806-1Melter Sealer/MelterSpecifications:Product number806-1Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption40W when stable, up to 180WPlug shapeflat plugSet temperature range180℃Attached nozzleNozzle
HAKKO 883-13 Heating Gun
HAKKO883-13Heating GunSpecifications:Product number883-13Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption1,000WPlug shapeflat plugMaximum temperature500℃wind speed1,250m/min.air volume0.2m3/min.External di
HAKKO FV-300 Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/industrial hair dryer
HAKKOFV-300Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/industrial hair dryerSpecifications:Product numberFV300-81Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption1000WPlug shapeflat plugMaximum temperature440℃ (4
HAKKO FV310-81 Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/industrial hair dryer
HAKKOFV310-81Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/industrial hair dryerSpecifications:Product numberFV310-81Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption1000WPlug shapeflat plugMaximum temperature530℃
HAKKO SHRINK MATE packaging and industrial dryer/shrink packaging
HAKKOSHRINK MATEpackaging and industrial dryer/shrink packagingSpecifications:Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumptionWhen using a heated heater for melting: 260WWhen using a heater for fusing: 240
HAKKO 885 Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/shrink packaging
HAKKO885Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/shrink packagingSpecifications:Product number885Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption1,400WPlug shapeflat plugfurnace temperatureRoom temperature ~
HAKKO FV101-81 Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/shrink packaging
HAKKOFV101-81Shrink packaging and industrial dryer/shrink packagingSpecifications:Product numberFV101-81Power supplyAC100V 50/60HzPower consumption1400WPlug shapeflat plugconveyor speed50Hz: 0 to 65mm
MRM Relief valve (MRV series)
MRMRelief valve (MRV series)◆Corresponding to various fittings.◆Relief pressure is up to 0.55MPa. The relief pressure can be adjusted with the adjustment handle.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluor
MRM MRV-15F-XB-R1 Relief valve (MRV series_PFA)
MRMMRV-15F-XB-R1Relief valve (MRV series_PFA)◆Flare type compatible.◆The relief pressure (up to 0.55MPa) can be adjusted with the adjustment handle.◆All the wetted parts are fluoropolymers (PFA, PTFE)
MRM CV-15TF-XB Check valve (CV series)
MRMCV-15TF-XBCheck valve (CV series)◆Corresponding to various fittings.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluoropolymer (PTFE) and have high corrosion resistance.◆Clean with low dust generation (high s
MRM MLSV-8TF-SB-0 Suckback valve (MSV, MLSV series)
MRMMLSV-8TF-SB-0Suckback valve (MSV, MLSV series)Specifications:◆The amount of sackback can be adjusted with the adjustment handle.◆Contributing to space saving of piping.◆All the wetted parts are mad
MRM D3S-050PV-UA-1 3-way drainage valve (D3 series)
MRMD3S-050PV-UA-13-way drainage valve (D3 series)Specifications:◆Space-saving than arranging them alone.◆It is possible to choose with or without bellows.◆Material can be selected (PVC/PP).Features of
MRM D2-050PV-F-UA-1 Drainage valve (D series)
MRMD2-050PV-F-UA-1Drainage valve (D series)Specifications:◆Contributing to improving throughput with high flow rate.◆Clean with a bellows structure (oilless in the wetted part).◆R-shaped bellows are a
MRM SLP-15-SB-22-00 Manifold valve (SLP series)
MRMSLP-15-SB-22-00Manifold valve (SLP series)Specifications:◆All the wetted parts are made of fluoropolymer (PTFE) and have high corrosion resistance.◆Clean with low dust generation (high surface roug
MRM SAP3D-15-SB-22-00 3-way valve (SAP3D series)
MRMSAP3D-15-SB-22-003-way valve (SAP3D series)Specifications:◆Corresponding to various fittings.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluororesin (PFA/PTFE) and have high corrosion resistance.◆Clean with
MRM MAV3D-8-SB-22-00 3-way valve (MAV3D series)
MRMMAV3D-8-SB-22-003-way valve (MAV3D series)Specifications:◆Corresponding to various fittings.◆Contributing to space saving of piping.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluoropolymer (PTFE) and have h
MRM ML1-15SB15-22-00 Manifold valve (ML series)
MRMML1-15SB15-22-00Manifold valve (ML series)Specifications:◆The separation body has high production efficiency, low price compared to the integrated type, and short delivery time.◆All the wetted part
MRM ML1-8SB8-22-00 Manifold valve (ML series_small size)
MRMML1-8SB8-22-00Manifold valve (ML series_small size)Specifications:◆The separation body has high production efficiency, low price compared to the integrated type, and short delivery time.◆Contributi
MRM STP2-15TF Toggle valve (STP series_mesle screw)
MRMSTP2-15TFToggle valve (STP series_mesle screw)
MRM MTV2-15PP Toggle valve (MTV series_mesle screw)
MRMMTV2-15PPToggle valve (MTV series_mesle screw)
MRM STP2-15PV-UA1 Toggle valve (STP series_Union)
MRMSTP2-15PV-UA1Toggle valve (STP series_Union)Specifications:◆Union connection.◆Selectable body material (PTFE/PVC/CPVC/PP).◆Clean with low dust generation (high surface roughness processing, precisi
MRM STP2-15TF-SB Toggle valve (STP series)
MRMSTP2-15TF-SBToggle valve (STP series)Specifications:◆Corresponding to various fittings.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluoropolymer (PTFE) and have high corrosion resistance.◆Clean with low dust
MRM MPTV2-15F-SB-5K Valve
MRMMPTV2-15F-SB-5KValve Specifications:◆Pillar Super 300/Super flare compatible.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluororesin (PFA/PTFE) and have high corrosion resistance.◆Clean with low dust generat
MRM MTV2-15F-XB-B-5K Toggle valve (MTV series)
MRMMTV2-15F-XB-B-5KToggle valve (MTV series)Specifications:◆Flowell 60series/Flare Type compatible.◆All the wetted parts are fluoropolymers (PFA, PTFE) and are highly corrosion resistant.◆Clean with l
MRM SMP2 -15 Manual valve (SMP series_Union)
MRMSMP2 -15Manual valve (SMP series_Union)Specifications:◆Union connection.◆Selectable body material (PTFE/PVC/CPVC/PP).◆Clean with low dust generation (high surface roughness processing, precision cl
MRM SMH2 - TF Manual valve for high temperature (SMH Series)
MRMSMH2 - TFManual valve for high temperature (SMH Series)Specifications:◆Corresponding to various fittings.◆All the wetted parts are made of fluoropolymer (PTFE) and have high corrosion resistance.◆C
SAKAGUCHICCGLS.CCGLL.Glasses cleatSpecifications:Product nameDimensions (mm)Product codeToB.C.D.AndF.Glasses (small)40152210510CCGLS.Glasses (large)56202815.5614CCGLL.
SAKAGUCHI CCHS. CCHL. hanger cleat
SAKAGUCHICCHS.CCHL.hanger cleatSpecifications:Product nameDimensions (mm)Product codeToB.C.D.AndF.Hanger (small)50203013510CCHS.Hanger (large)60243616612CCHL.
SAKAGUCHICC2PUAS.CC2PUAL.CC2PUAK.CC3PUA.CC3PUAK.CC4PUA.Cleat aboveSpecifications:Product nameDimensions (mm)Product codeToB.C.D.AndF.G.2P sky (small)551832225.5ー14CC2PUAS.2P sky (large)762537246ー17CC2
SAKAGUCHI CC2PJ. CC4PJ. 2P combined cleat / 4P combined cleat
SAKAGUCHICC2PJ.CC4PJ.2P combined cleat / 4P combined cleatSpecifications:Product nameDimensions (mm)Product codeToB.C.D.AndF.G.2P combination551818R7.5255.5CC2PJ.●2P combined cleat4P match86.51613R6.5
SAKAGUCHICC1PJSU.CC1PJSD.CC1PJLU.CC1PJLD.1P combined cleatSpecifications:Product nameDimensions (mm)Product codeToB.C.D.AndF.G.1P combined (small) topーーー117 (R3.7)4.5ーCC1PJSU.1P combined (small) below
SAKAGUCHICC1PS.CC1PL.1P cleatSpecifications:Product nameDimensions (mm)Product codeToB.C.D.AndF.G.1P (small)2310.5148. (large)331725155.512.56.5CC1PL.
SAKAGUCHI CHBSSM. CHBSSW. CHBSM. CHBSW. CHBMM. CH BMW CHBLM. CHBLW. CHBLLM. CHBLLW. Ordinary porcelain bushings, threaded insulators, and various types of sujitsuba insu
SAKAGUCHICHBSSM. CHBSSW.CHBSM. CHBSW.CHBMM. CH BMWCHBLM. CHBLW.CHBLLM. CHBLLW.Ordinary porcelain bushings, threaded insulators, and various types of sujitsuba insulat
SAKAGUCHI TG356★ TG358★ TG 366 TG 3618 TG 4812 TG 4818 TG411150★ TG3B1SN. TG3B5SN. TG3B5SS. TG4B1S. TG4B5S. TG5B1S. TG5B5S. TG6B1S. TG6B5S. TG1S5S. Various types of spit-insulator pipes, medium-spit i
SAKAGUCHITG356★TG358★TG 366TG 3618TG 4812TG 4818TG411150★TG3B1SN.TG3B5SN.TG3B5SS.TG4B1S.TG4B5S.TG5B1S.TG5B5S.TG6B1S.TG6B5S.TG1S5S.Various types of spit-insulator pipes, medium-spit in-insulator pipes,
SAKAGUCHI MG 132 MG 135 MG 1310. MG 1315 MG 1320 MG 1325 MG 245 MG 2410 MG 2420 MG265. MG2610. MG 2620. MG 355 MG 3510 MG 3520 MG 366 MG 3620 MG 3710 MG 3720 MG 3750 MG475. MG 4710 MG 4720 MG485. MG48
SAKAGUCHIMG 132MG 135MG 1310.MG 1315MG 1320MG 1325MG 245MG 2410MG 2420MG265.MG2610.MG 2620.MG 355MG 3510MG 3520MG 366MG 3620MG 3710MG 3720MG 3750MG475.MG 4710MG 4720MG485.MG4810.MG 4820MG 4850MG5810.M
SAKAGUCHI Atomic level anti-aliase heat treatment minimal device (minimal laser hydrogen annealing device)
SAKAGUCHIAtomic level anti-aliase heat treatment minimal device (minimal laser hydrogen annealing device)Specifications:· φ12.5mm wafer (sheet processing)· Compact housing (about 30cm wide
SAKAGUCHI Tabletop type ExLASER® (X Laser)
SAKAGUCHITabletop type ExLASER® (X Laser)Specifications:· Compact design of tabletop size· Since the heating part and control part are integrated, tabletop tests are possible.· Becau
SAKAGUCHI ExLASER Lite® (Ex Laser Light)
SAKAGUCHIExLASER Lite® (Ex Laser Light)Specifications:· Compact design compared to the conventional ExLASER.· Realize a small area (φ0.5 inches) and 1 shot heating.· Integrated type
SAKAGUCHIExLASER® (X Laser)Specifications:· Ultra-fast temperature rise and temperature drop are possible· A 2-inch substrate is heated uniformly in one shot· It is possible to heat
SAKAGUCHI SNSB 1500A Hanging heater New Solar Beam
SAKAGUCHISNSB 1500AHanging heater New Solar BeamSpecifications:ShapeProduct codeSNSB 1500APower supply voltage200 VRated power consumption1500 WLamp1500W x 1 bottleWeightAbout 2.5kg
SAKAGUCHI Ceramic fiber heater
SAKAGUCHICeramic fiber heaterSpecifications:· High temperature characteristicsCeramic fiber heaters are made of high-temperature heating elements and carefully selected ceramic fibers, and are d
SAKAGUCHIHot plateSpecifications:Temperature range~900℃Thermal plate materialAluminum, SUS304, SUS316L, Hasteloy C, Inconel 600, QuartzSurface treatmentProcessing of anodized, taflam, nickel, chromium
SAKAGUCHI MTP-500. Micro ALN hot plate
SAKAGUCHIMTP-500.Micro ALN hot plateSpecifications:Type nameMTP-500.Product codeMTP 500Heater rating100V ※330W±25% (watt density = 13.2W/cm2)Built-in thermocoupleK-type thermocouple (built into the he
SAKAGUCHI FS 1510 FS 1512 FS 1514 FS 1515. FS1517. FS 1519 FS 1521 FS 1523 FS 1525 FS1526. FS 1530 FS 1533 FS 1535 FS 1538 FS 1542 Strip heater with ITT fins
SAKAGUCHIFS 1510FS 1512FS 1514FS 1515.FS1517.FS 1519FS 1521FS 1523FS 1525FS1526.FS 1530FS 1533FS 1535FS 1538FS 1542Strip heater with ITT finsSpecifications:Model numberCapacity(W)Watt density(W/cm2)Di
SAKAGUCHI1408 1409 1412 1414 1415 1417 1419 1421 1423 1425 1426 1430 1433 1435 1438 1442 1447 1454 ITT strip heater
SAKAGUCHI140814091412141414151417141914211423142514261430143314351438144214471454ITT strip heaterSpecifications:Model numberCapacity(W)Watt density(W/cm2)Dimensions (mm)Product codeToB.100V specificat
SAKAGUCHI SH1050NT. SH1100NT. SH1250NT. SH1375NT. SH1500NT. SH2050NT. SH2100NT. SH2250NT. SH2375NT. SH 2500NT Sakaguchi Space Heater
SAKAGUCHISH1050NT.SH1100NT.SH1250NT.SH1375NT.SH1500NT.SH2050NT.SH2100NT.SH2250NT.SH2375NT.SH 2500NTSakaguchi Space HeaterSpecifications:Total length(Mm)Installation interval(Mm)Pitch between terminals
MUSASHI GC-1 Cap for tip protection
MUSASHIGC-1Cap for tip protectionSpecifications:NameCap for the tip protectionModelGC-1
MUSASHI anti-static syringe
MUSASHIanti-static syringeSpecifications:・Static electricity that is harmful to electronic parts is shut out by conductivity.・We show dust proofing effect.・Outstanding flow characteristic by the insid
MUSASHI P-NADP-14 P-NADP-15 P-NADP-12 P-NADP-13 P-NADP-17 needle adapter
MUSASHIP-NADP-14P-NADP-15P-NADP-12P-NADP-13P-NADP-17needle adapterSpecifications:NameNeedle adapterModelP-NADP-14P-NADP-15P-NADP-12P-NADP-13P-NADP-17
MUSASHI BP-4 BP-4U-B barrel tip cap
MUSASHIBP-4BP-4U-Bbarrel tip capSpecifications:NameBarrel tip capUV block barrel tip capModelBP-4BP-4U-B
MUSASHI BC-4 BC-4U-B barrel head cap
MUSASHIBC-4BC-4U-Bbarrel head capSpecifications:NameBarrel head capUV block barrel head capModelBC-4BC-4U-B
MUSASHI PP-W1 PP-B1 barrel plunger
MUSASHIPP-W1PP-B1barrel plungerSpecifications:NameBarrel plungerModelPP-W1PP-B1
MUSASHI syringe tip cap
MUSASHIsyringe tip capSpecifications:・It is optimum for storage, transportation that is able to checkmate solution with cap sealing the syringe tip.・It is lineup by semitransparency type and UV cut ty
MUSASHI syringe head cap
MUSASHIsyringe head capSpecifications:・It is most suitable for storage, transportation that is able to checkmate solution with cap sealing the upper syringe.・It is lineup by semitransparency type and
MUSASHI TPP-5E TPP-10E TPP-30/50E shuttle plunger
MUSASHITPP-5ETPP-10ETPP-30/50Eshuttle plungerWiping blade of the upper plunger adheres with the syringe inside diameter, exquisite; write down, and realize the nature.Specifications:NameShuttle plunge
MUSASHI MLP-R-5E MLP-R-10E MLP-R-50E MLB-B-5E MLB-B-10E MLB-B-50E MLP-5E MLP-10E MLP-50E miracle wiper plunger
MUSASHIMLP-R-5E MLP-R-10E MLP-R-50E MLB-B-5E MLB-B-10E MLB-B-50E MLP-5E MLP-10E MLP-50Emiracle wiper plunger
MUSASHI FLP-1E FLP-3E FLP-5E FLP-10E FLP-50E FLP-100E float wiper plunger
MUSASHIFLP-1EFLP-3EFLP-5EFLP-10EFLP-50EFLP-100Efloat wiper plungerSpecifications:NameFloat wiper plungerModelFLP-1EFLP-3EFLP-5EFLP-10EFLP-50EFLP-100EApplication syringe capacity1 mL3 mL5 mL10 mL20-70
MUSASHI stainless steel syringe
MUSASHIstainless steel syringeSpecifications:・Stainless steel syringe is syringe superior in heat resistance, solvent resistance.・By exclusive adaptor tube of new development, correspondence is possib
MUSASHI Syringe for mounter
MUSASHISyringe for mounterSpecifications:・We can just put on chip mounter.・High quality design to improve yield.・We dissolve "phenomenon with breath" of plunger by syringe inside diameter st
MUSASHI heat resistance 130 degrees Celsius syringe
MUSASHIheat resistance 130 degrees Celsius syringeSpecifications:・High heat-resistant temperature 130 degrees Celsius.・It is available with hot melt adhesive more safely.・Superior discharge accuracy b
MUSASHI heat resistance 180 degrees Celsius syringe
MUSASHIheat resistance 180 degrees Celsius syringeSpecifications:・High heat-resistant temperature 180 degrees Celsius・It is available with hot melt adhesive more safely.・Superior discharge accuracy by
MUSASHI color syringe
MUSASHIcolor syringeSpecifications:・Peppermint green color syringe that is most suitable for kind management according to solution.・Outstanding flow characteristic by original shape.・We dissolve "
MUSASHI UV block syringe
MUSASHIUV block syringeSpecifications:・We completely shut out UV.・Solution residual quantity is clear at a glance by improvement in transmissivity in visible light domain.・Superior fluidity.・Residual
MUSASHI Syringes
MUSASHISyringesSpecifications:・Outstanding flow characteristic by original shape.・We dissolve "phenomenon with breath" of plunger by syringe inside diameter straight design.・Silicon-free.・Or
MUSASHI drains; Nozzle
MUSASHIdrains; NozzleSpecifications:・We realize wide area, coating having difficulty with needle.・miga including screw to syringe by Article 2 screw design is certain.・It is lineup with four kinds of
CEMEDINE HJ-113 Tile joint material
CEMEDINEHJ-113Tile joint materialFeatureJust knead with water.Easy to useSpecifications:Capacity and standards200g/bagImageProduct numberHJ-113
CEMEDINE HJ-112 fireproof putty
CEMEDINEHJ-112fireproof puttyFeatureSuper heat resistant up to 1100 degreesFlame-retardant typesolvent-freeSpecifications:Capacity/Standard150g/blisterImageProduct numberHJ-112
CEMEDINE TP-312 TP-313 Lea Tuck
CEMEDINETP-312 TP-313Lea TuckFeatureConvenient adhesive sheet that can be applied and peeled off in various waysIt's transparent and inconspicuous, and the rest is not sticky.Even if it
CEMEDINE HC-119 Epoxy putty for underwater use
CEMEDINEHC-119Epoxy putty for underwater useFeatureHardening even in water and wet surfaces6 hours hardeningNailing and drilling are possible.Can be paintedSanding is possible.Specifications:Capacity
CEMEDINE TP-050 Cloth tape for business use
CEMEDINETP-050Cloth tape for business useFeatureCut by handIt can be pasted in layers.Specifications:Capacity and standards50mm x 25m/shrinkImageProduct numberTP-050
CEMEDINE XA-590 XA-591 XA-592 XA-593 Rubber band variety
CEMEDINEXA-590 XA-591 XA-592 XA-593Rubber band varietyFeatureThe finest rubber band using natural rubberColor band: Fashionable rubber band in 4 colors (green, yellow, re
CEMEDINE XA-128 XA-484 XA-129 XA-131 rubber band
CEMEDINEXA-128 XA-484 XA-129 XA-131 rubber bandFeatureThe finest rubber band using natural rubberSpecifications:Capacity/StandardNo.14100g
CEMEDINE HC-026 Waterproof spray disinfection and deodorization
CEMEDINEHC-026Waterproof spray disinfection and deodorizationFeatureA mixed type of silicone and fluorine that lasts for a long time even if rubbed, and it is hard to get dirt.Large capacity (4.7 umbr
CEMEDINE HJ-146 HJ-153 HJ-148 HJ-154 Bascok N
CEMEDINEHJ-146 HJ-153 HJ-148 HJ-154 Bascok NFeatureIt can be widely used for waterproofing and repairing gaps around washrooms and water.Masking tape, spatula, nozzle, and squeez
CEMEDINE HC-121 HC-158 Kabe putty
CEMEDINEHC-121 HC-158Kabe puttyFeatureIt's water-based, so it's safe.It's hard to slit even on vertical surfaces (because it's solid)It's good.Water-based paint can be pa
CEMEDINE HC-007 HC-004 light putty
CEMEDINEHC-007 HC-004light puttyFeatureThere are almost no cracks or meat loss ※Compared to our companyIt is possible to paint water-based and oil-based paintsWhipped, easy to use, lightweig
CEMEDINE HJ-111 HJ-007 HJ-008 Hole ume putty
CEMEDINEHJ-111 HJ-007 HJ-008Hole ume puttyFeatureIt's water-based, so it's safe.Less meat with glass balloonsEasy to use for large dentsWater-based and oil-based paints can be paintedSanding p
CEMEDINE RE-232 RE-354 PM525 Modified silicone resin adhesive
CEMEDINERE-232 RE-354PM525Modified silicone resin adhesiveFeatureDo not melt the foamed polystyrene boardSolvent-free typeHigh elasticityHigh viscosityJIS A 5547Specifications:Product name
CEMEDINE SE-113 SE-114 Metal seal S585HF Modified silicone sealant
CEMEDINESE-113 SE-114Metal seal S585HFModified silicone sealantFeatureHigh durabilityCan be paintedHigh modulusSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardSeal for metal S585HF/333mlSe
CEMEDINE SK-273 SK-434 Fire-resistant seal 120 Cyrylated acrylic sealant
CEMEDINESK-273 SK-434Fire-resistant seal 120Cyrylated acrylic sealantSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardFireproof seal 120/333mlFireproof seal 120/333mlImageColorgraywhiteProd
CEMEDINE SY-026 SY-027 Seal of the sting Acrylic resin emulsion sealant
CEMEDINESY-026 SY-027Seal of the stingAcrylic resin emulsion sealantSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardSeal of the seal/PL333mlSeal of the seal/PL333mlImageColorwhitegrayProdu
CEMEDINE SL-912 Kawara Ace Modified silicone resin adhesive
CEMEDINESL-912Kawara AceModified silicone resin adhesiveSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardKawara Ace/333mlImageColordark grayProduct numberSL-912
CEMEDINE HC-13 Slide Kibe Silicone lubricant
CEMEDINEHC-13Slide KibeSilicone lubricantSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardKibe slip/180mLImageProduct numberHC-139
CEMEDINE XA-179 Bent nozzle elbow bag included
CEMEDINEXA-179Bent nozzle elbow bag includedSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardBent nozzle elbow bag includedImageProduct numberXA-179
CEMEDINE RE-410 RE-436 For tombstones Modified silicone resin adhesive
CEMEDINERE-410 RE-436For tombstonesModified silicone resin adhesiveSpecifications:Product name / Capacity / StandardFor tombstones/333mlFor tombstones/333mlImageColorgrayBlackProduct number
HEIDONCS/CSIIStandFeatures:By adding the extension poles, the motor can be installed in a higher position.The H leg can also be assembled in a clamp shape.
HEIDON LD-019W03F-8300F LD-025W03F-8300F LD-035W03F-8300F. LD-019W03S-8300S. LD-025W03S-8300S. LD-035W03S-8300S Centrifugal stirrer without blades C-MiX
HEIDONLD-019W03F-8300F LD-025W03F-8300F LD-035W03F-8300F. LD-019W03S-8300S. LD-025W03S-8300S. LD-035W03S-8300SCentrifugal stirrer without bladesC-MiXSpecification:LD-019W03F-8300F[Head] Caliber: Φ19m
HEIDON MG-2-01 MG-2-02 MG-6-01 MG-6-02 MG-6-03 Magnet stirring seal Mighty mug seal
HEIDONMG-2-01 MG-2-02 MG-6-01 MG-6-02 MG-6-03Magnet stirring seal Mighty mug seal Specification:MG-2-01Corresponding torque: 0.2N ・ m Compatible size: TS 24/40 Weight: 0.6Kg Vacuum resistance: 10-3Pa
HEIDON Maxblend Agitation Equipment BL300Mx-10
HEIDONMaxblend Agitation EquipmentBL300Mx-10Specification:ApplicationsLow to High ViscosityRotation Speed5~300rpmRated Torque1.3N・mMotorDC Brushless Motor B Type Insulation 35WRotation ControlFeedback
HEIDON BLh300R/BLh600R/BLh1200R High-power Remote-controlled Agitators with External I/O
HEIDONBLh300R/BLh600R/BLh1200RHigh-power Remote-controlled Agitators with External I/OSpecification:ApplicationsBLh300R : High ViscosityBLh600R : Medium and High ViscosityBLh1200R : Medium and Low Vis
HEIDON BL300R/BL600R Remote-controlled Agitators with External Input/Output
HEIDONBL300R/BL600RRemote-controlled Agitators with External Input/OutputSpecification:ApplicationsBL300R : High ViscosityBL600R : High to Medium ViscosityRotation SpeedBL300R : 5~300rpmBL600R : 10~60
HEIDON Stirrer100 Circulating Stirrers
HEIDONStirrer100Circulating StirrersSpecification:ApplicationsLow Viscosity CirculationHolderRound Type and Square Type Joint UseMotor Output3WMotor Current0.2AMotor Rated Torque50Hz:0.025N/m(250gf/cm
HEIDON BL600Z+ Vertical Motion Rotating Agitator
HEIDONBL600Z+Vertical Motion Rotating AgitatorSpecification:ApplicationsMedium to High ViscosityRotation Speed10~600rpmRated Torque0.7N・mMotorDC Brushless Motor B Type Insulation 40WRotation ControlFe
HEIDON BLh1200Ft High Power Agitators with External Output
HEIDONBLh1200FtHigh Power Agitators with External OutputSpecification:ApplicationsLow to Medium ViscosityRotation Speed10~1200rpmRated Torque0.6N・mMotorDC Brushless Motor B Type Insulation 80WDC Brush
HEIDON BL300Ft/BL600Ft/BL1200Ft Agitators with External Output
HEIDONBL300Ft/BL600Ft/BL1200FtAgitators with External OutputSpecification:ApplicationsBL300Ft : High ViscosityBL600Ft : Medium to High ViscosityBL1200Ft : Low to Medium ViscosityRotation SpeedBL300Ft
HEIDON BL300Te/BL600Te/BL1200Te Agitators with Torque Converters
HEIDONBL300Te/BL600Te/BL1200TeAgitators with Torque ConvertersSpecification:ApplicationsBL300Te:High ViscosityBL600Te:Medium to High ViscosityBL1200Te:Low to Medium ViscosityRotation SpeedBL300Te:5~30
HEIDON Mini-Plant-Class Agitators BLW300/BLW600/BLW1200/BLW3000
HEIDONMini-Plant-Class AgitatorsBLW300/BLW600/BLW1200/BLW3000Specification:Rotation SpeedBLW300:5~300rpmBLW600:10~600rpmBLW1200:10~1200rpmBLW3000:30~3000rpmRated TorqueBLW300:4.5N・m(45.0Kgf・cm)BLW600:
HEIDON EP200/EP400/EP700/EP1800 Completely Explosion-proof Air Motor Agitators
HEIDONEP200/EP400/EP700/EP1800Completely Explosion-proof Air Motor AgitatorsSpecification:Rotation SpeedEP200:190rpmEP400:400rpmEP700:700rpmEP1800:1800rpmMaximum TorqueEP200:2.6N・mEP400:1.3N・mEP700:0.
HEIDON BL300/BL600/BL1200/BL3000 General Purpose Agitators
HEIDONBL300/BL600/BL1200/BL3000General Purpose AgitatorsSpecifications:ApplicationsBL300:High ViscosityBL600:Medium to High ViscosityBL1200: Low to Medium ViscosityBL3000: Low ViscosityRotation SpeedB
HEIDON BLh300/BLh600/BLh1200/BLh3000 Power General Purpose Agitator
HEIDONBLh300/BLh600/BLh1200/BLh3000Power General Purpose AgitatorSpecifications:ApplicationsBLh300:High ViscosityBLh600:Medium to High ViscosityBLh1200:Medium to Low ViscosityBLh3000:Low ViscosityRota
HEIDON Ex300/Ex600/Ex1200/Ex2000/Ex3000 Explosion proof agitator
HEIDONEx300/Ex600/Ex1200/Ex2000/Ex3000Explosion proof agitatorSpecifications:Explosion proof standardEX db ⅡB T4 Gb (Explosion Proof)Applicable dangerous place1st place (ZONE1), 2nd place (ZONE2)Apply
HEIDON Tribovac2000 Vacuum Friction and Wear Tester
HEIDONTribovac2000Vacuum Friction and Wear TesterSpecifications:Vertical Loading10 – 1000gLoading MethodWeight Loading Switching MethodLoad CellSample Center Bolt Fixing (Possible to support sample sh
HEIDON TYPE: 38 Surface quality measuring machine
HEIDONTYPE: 38Surface quality measuring machineSpecifications:Moving Speed5mm~6000mm/minDrive motorAC servo motorDrive systemRack-and-pinionMoving distance1~100mmMove modeSingle mode: Automatic stop a
USHIO UT-300 UV machine with drawer
USHIOUT-300UV machine with drawerSpecifications:. The machine is lightweight and suitable for laboratory or small mass production.UT-300 drawer UV machine is small in size and does not take up space,
USHIO UOF075B 150Lm UOF075B 200Lm UOF075B 300Lm UOF075B 400Lm UOF075B 450Lm UOF075B 500Lm Elliptical Adjustable Downlight / Pin-Hole Adjustable Downlight
USHIOUOF075B 150Lm UOF075B 200Lm UOF075B 300Lm UOF075B 400Lm UOF075B 450Lm UOF075B 500LmElliptical Adjustable Downlight / Pin-Hole Adjustable DownlightSpecifications:UOF075B 150LmLamp light fold:150 l
USHIO UT-100 Point light source UV machine
USHIOUT-100Point light source UV machineSpecifications:1. Light wavelength is suitable for UV glue curingThe UV light source generated by the UT-100 point light source UV machine, in addition to long-
USHIO UT-200 Handheld UV machine
USHIOUT-200Handheld UV machineSpecifications:1. The light source is removable, which is convenient for the irradiation of objects of various sizes.The UT-200 handheld UV machine can move the light sou
USHIO UT-400 UV oven
USHIOUT-400UV ovenSpecifications:1. Electronic control gate designThe UT-400 sluice oven adopts an electronically controlled gate mechanism and does not require an external air source. The special gat
USHIO SIJ ultra-fine printing machine
USHIOSIJ ultra-fine printing machineSpecifications:Ultra-fine Inkjet experimental machine. With the independently developed Super Inkjet technology, the line width below 20um is sprayed.
USHIO UOE075C 200Lm UOE075C 300Lm UOE075C 400Lm UOE075C 500Lm UOE075C 550Lm UOE075C 650Lm UOE075C 700Lm Mirror Direct Lighting / Glareless Downlight
USHIOUOE075C 200Lm UOE075C 300Lm UOE075C 400Lm UOE075C 500Lm UOE075C 550Lm UOE075C 650Lm UOE075C 700LmMirror Direct Lighting / Glareless DownlightSpecifications:UOE075C 200LmLamp light fold:200 lmCo
USHIO UOF075A 300Lm UOF075A 400Lm UOF075A 500Lm UOF075A 600Lm UOF075A 700Lm. UOF075A 800Lm UOF075A 900Lm Adjustable Downlight / Adjustable Downlight
USHIOUOF075A 300Lm UOF075A 400Lm UOF075A 500Lm UOF075A 600Lm UOF075A 700Lm. UOF075A 800Lm UOF075A 900LmAdjustable Downlight / Adjustable DownlightSpecifications:UOF075A 300LmLamp light fold:300 lmColo
USHIO UOE075A 300Lm UOE075A 400Lm UOE075A 500Lm UOE075A 600Lm UOE075A 700Lm V UOE075A General Light / Down Light
USHIOUOE075A 300Lm UOE075A 400Lm UOE075A 500Lm UOE075A 600Lm UOE075A 700Lm V UOE075A General Light / Down LightSpecifications:UOE075A 300LmLamp light fold:300 lmColor temperature:3000KLED light fol
USHIO MS-B100 MS-B150 MS-B200 MS-B300 Spin Coater made by MIKASA
USHIOMS-B100 MS-B150 MS-B200 MS-B300Spin Coater made by MIKASA[Features 1] MIKASA has been developing various laboratory equipment since the 1960s, and has sold more than 7,500 units in Japan. It is a
USHIO UNI CURE SYSTEM UV instant drying device
USHIOUNI CURE SYSTEMUV instant drying deviceSpecifications:U High illumination, high stabilityHigh-performance input up to 280w/cm. To improve the collection and peak illumination, you can choose meta
USHIO USR-45 Spectrophotometer/spectrometer
USHIOUSR-45Spectrophotometer/spectrometerSpecifications:U can measure the absolute valueA spectrophotometer that can display the absolute value of spectrophotometric energy.U Wide range of kinetic ene
USHIO UX-5 Step-by-step projection exposure device for high-density IC carrier board UX-5
USHIOUX-5Step-by-step projection exposure device for high-density IC carrier board UX-5Specifications:U Maintain overlapping accuracy even if the substrate shrinksPerform high-precision correction for
USHIO UX1 Manual exposure equipment UX1
USHIOUX1Manual exposure equipment UX1Specifications:U high resolutionThe highest resolution is Line & Space = 1um (vacuum hard contact). The following is (L/S)Proximity exposure, Print Gap 20um, a
USHIO UV308 mini TheraBeam
USHIOUV308 miniTheraBeamSpecifications:U Close to the needs of doctors and patientsJointly developed in cooperation with doctors at Nagoya City University in Japan, which is in line with the illuminan
USHIO UV308 TheraBeam Slim
USHIOUV308TheraBeam SlimSpecifications:U Close to the needs of doctors and patientsJointly developed in cooperation with doctors at Nagoya City University in Japan, which is in line with the illuminan
USHIO EXCIMER lamp/EXCIMER light irradiation device
USHIOEXCIMER lamp/EXCIMER light irradiation deviceSpecifications:U Single wavelength, low temperature treatmentBecause it is a single wavelength, ultraviolet rays that will cause chemical reactions ca
USHIO LDR6L-N-E11/D/27/5/12-H LED Light bulb
USHIOLDR6L-N-E11/D/27/5/12-HLED Light bulbSpecifications:Light distributionNarrow angleColor temperature2700Klight colorlight bulb colorDimmingCorrespondence
SONIC SAT-600 / SAT-900 SAT-550 3D Ultrasonic Anemometer
SONICSAT-600 / SAT-900 SAT-5503D Ultrasonic AnemometerSpecification:■3D Ultrasonic AnemometerWhen ultrasonic wave is propagating in the air, the propagation time changes by the influence of wind.This
SONIC DA-700 Ultrasonic Anemometer
SONICDA-700Ultrasonic AnemometerSpecification:■Ultrasonic anemometerMeasurement modeTime sharing transmission/reception switching type ultrasonic pulse emissionOperation modeUltrasonic propagation tim
SONIC WA-790 Anemometer for clean room
SONICWA-790Anemometer for clean roomSpecification:■for the high-precisionMeasurement modeTime-sharing transmission / reception switching-type ultrasonic pulse emissionOperation methodUltrasonic propag
SONIC KPA-300. AR-410N Phased array
SONICKPA-300. AR-410NPhased arraySpecification:■AR-410NMeasurement method3-direction monostaticMeasurement elementsWind speed and direction at each heightAverage component wind speedThermal stratifica
SONIC SL-370 Snow Level Meter
SONICSL-370Snow Level MeterSpecification:■Ultrasonic Snow Depth MeterMeasurementmethodUltrasonic pulse reflection method(for both sending & receiving)Measurement ofthermometer4-wire platinum resis
SONIC Sodar Based Low Level Wind Information
SONICSodar Based Low Level Wind InformationSpecification:■Sodar Based Low Level Wind InformationSOLWIN support safe and comfortable takeoff and landing of the aircraft by the real-time information to
SONIC USW-2000A Directional Wave Meter
SONICUSW-2000ADirectional Wave MeterSpecification:Measurement methodWater level:Ultrasonic propagation time measurement system and water pressure measurement systemWater particle velocity:Ultrasonic D
SONIC DFT-3 Digital Fuess Tide Gauge
SONICDFT-3Digital Fuess Tide GaugeSpecification:Measurement methodFose type measuring mechanismMeasurement itemTide levelMeasurement rangeTide leve:0~700cmOutput signalDigitalRS-232COutput interval0.5
SONIC US-500 Ultrasonic Wave Height Meter
SONICUS-500Ultrasonic Wave Height MeterSpecification:Ultrasonic Wave Height Meter(Air exposure type)Measurement methodElevation level:Time difference calculationTemperature:Platinum resistance measure
SONIC LGSM-2 Underwater Level Meter
SONICLGSM-2Underwater Level MeterSpecification:Underwater Level MeterMeasuring Methodwater piped levelingMeasurement range+5~-15mMax water pressureup to 400kPaMeasurement areaup to 50m radius from cab
SONIC GF-2500 GF-2500 Steam FEX-100 Flame-proof Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter
SONICGF-2500 GF-2500 Steam FEX-100 Flame-proofUltrasonic Gas Flow MeterSpecification:■Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter GF SeriesGF-2500PipeFluid conditionGasApplicable pipe diameterNominal diameter 50mm~5000m
SONIC SGF-200 Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter
SONICSGF-200Ultrasonic Gas Flow MeterSpecification:■Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter SGF SeriesSGF-200Specifications Ultrasonic Gas FlowmeterModelSGF-200Measurement methodUltrasonic transit time methodFlui
SONIC μLF-300S Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meter
SONICμLF-300SUltrasonic Liquid Flow MeterSpecification:■Ultrasonic Liquid Flowmeter μLF SeriesμLF-300SModelμLF-300S(converter) + μLT8I/μLT-4I (sensor)Measurement methodUltrasonic transit time methodAp
SONIC LF-2000 Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meter
16SONICLF-2000Ultrasonic Liquid Flow MeterSpecification:LF-2000Fluid conditionApplicable liquidWater, Aqueous solution, Oil, Chemical liquid※Please be advised that if not used for water.Turbidty10000p
SONIC BL-550E2 Boundary Level Meter Specification: BL-550E2 Converor Model BL-550E2 Measurement method Ultrasonic pulse-echo technique Measurement range 0(+dead band)~10m,dead band=30cm Accuracy ±
SONICBL-550E2Boundary Level MeterSpecification:BL-550E2ConverorModelBL-550E2Measurement methodUltrasonic pulse-echo techniqueMeasurement range0(+dead band)~10m,dead band=30cmAccuracy±1cm(in-house eval
SONIC WA-790 Indoor anemometer
SONICWA-790Indoor anemometerSpecification:■Indoor Anemometer Measurement methodTime sharing transmission/reception switching type ultrasonic pulse emissionProcessing methodUltrasonic propagation recip
SONIC SCS-22 Low Frequency Full-circle Super Scanning Sonar
SONICSCS-22Low Frequency Full-circle Super Scanning SonarSpecification:■Low Frequency Full-circle Super Scanning SonarDisplay unit19 inch TFT liquid crystal color displayFrequency21kHz、24kHz、28kHzDisp
SONIC SCS-88 High Frequency Full-circle Color Scanning Sonar
SONICSCS-88High Frequency Full-circle Color Scanning SonarSpecification:■High Frequency Full-circle Color Scanning SonarDisplay unit19 inch TFT liquid crystal color displayFrequency81kHz、88kHz、94kHzDi
SONIC SCS-24/50 Low / Medium Frequency Full-circle Color Scanning Sonar
SONICSCS-24/50Low / Medium Frequency Full-circle Color Scanning SonarSpecification:■Low Frequency/Medium Frequency Full-circle Color Scanning SonarDisplay unit19 inch TFT liquid crystal color displayF
SIBATA PM4 Particle Size Separator for Round Filters
SIBATAPM4Particle Size Separator for Round FiltersSpecifications:Item Code080130-0874SpecificationCuts 50 % of particles 4 μmMetal collection plate (with slit), set of 5UseFor model HV-500R/-500F
SIBATA Urethane Holder / HV dioxin sampling / short type
SIBATAUrethane Holder / HV dioxin sampling / short typeSpecifications:Item Code080130-09911
SIBATA HV Series Glass Urethane Holder
SIBATAHV Series Glass Urethane HolderSpecifications:Item Code080130-0972StandardStandards Glass inner cylinder for urethane (not including urethane)
SIBATA Metal Collection Plate Set Including 5 Pieces
SIBATAMetal Collection Plate Set Including 5 PiecesSpecifications:Item Code080130-033UseFor model HV-500R-4S /-500F-4S
SIBATA Filter for PM2.5 Impactor Dia.37 100 sheets
SIBATAFilter for PM2.5 Impactor Dia.37 100 sheetsSpecifications:Item Code080180-2505
SIBATA PM10 Particle Size Separator for Rectangular Filter
SIBATAPM10Particle Size Separator for Rectangular FilterSpecifications:Item Code080130-065SpecificationCuts 50 % of particles 10 μm or largerUseFor model HV-RW/-1000R/-1000F
SIBATA VMQ-70 O-ring G-80 for HV series
SIBATAVMQ-70O-ring G-80 for HV seriesSpecifications:Item Code080130-09702ModelVMQ-70
SIBATA SMI18-5-V-P5 AC Adapter
SIBATASMI18-5-V-P5AC AdapterSpecifications:Item Code080120-1571ModelType SMI18-5-V-P5Input Voltage90-264 VAC Charging Voltage5VCharging Voltage3A(15W)Dimensions/Weight(W)75x(D)35.8x(H)65.6mm0.17kg
SIBATA HKSC-090810 9V-2A AC Adapter
SIBATAHKSC-090810 9V-2AAC AdapterSpecifications:Item Code080040-3212ModelHKSC-090810
SIBATA Filter Holder B Type
SIBATAFilter Holder B TypeSpecifications:Item Code080050-255ModelB TypeStandardType B Filter Holder for Dia. 55 Fiberglass Filter Paper (for General Environmental Samplers)Dimensions/WeightDia. 74x100
SIBATA Filter Holder Fixing Belt for A/B/TF-4
SIBATAFilter Holder Fixing Belt for A/B/TF-4Specifications:Item Code080050-05
SIBATA Filter Case with Lid / for 35mm / 5 pcs
SIBATAFilter Case with Lid / for 35mm / 5 pcsSpecifications:Item Code080150-049ACompatible HolderFor NW-354: can store filter clips and glass collection platesQuantity5 pieces
SIBATA PM4 Personal Air Sampler Set
SIBATAPM4Personal Air Sampler SetSpecifications:Item Code080150-445Particle Separation CharacteristicsPM4(4μm50% cut)Suction PumpModel MP-W5P minipump (CE compliant),Filter Paper HolderNWPS-254:Made o
SIBATA RI-55 Radioactive Iodine Sampling Holder
SIBATARI-55Radioactive Iodine Sampling HolderSpecifications:Item Code080120-008ModelRI-55Tube DiameterI.D. 10mmMaterialAluminumMass0.5kgSizeDia. 74x130mmCompositionInlet (made of aluminum) 1 pieceOutl
SIBATA AH-600 Andersen Sampler
SIBATAAH-600Andersen SamplerSpecifications:Item Code080040-021ModelAH-600
SIBATA AN-200 Low Volume Air Sampler Andersen Type
SIBATAAN-200Low Volume Air Sampler Andersen TypeSpecifications:Item Code080040-012ModelAN-200
SIBATA AN-200 Andersen Sampler Set
SIBATAAN-200Andersen Sampler SetSpecifications:Item Code080040-01ModelAN-200Particle Separation Range0.43 to 11μmParticle Size Classification8 stagesStage 0:11μm and largerStage 1:7.0 to 11μmStage 2:4
ASONE Magnet Storage Purple
ASONEMagnet Storage PurpleSpecifications:Magnet Storage Purple 1piece[Discontinued]Magnet Storage Turquoise 1piece[Discontinued]Magnet Storage Green 1piece[Discontinued]Magnet Storage Orange 1piece
ASONE HS23243A Wire Desktop Dry Rack
ASONEHS23243AWire Desktop Dry Rack Specifications:Size (mm): 462 x 182 x 525Material : Rack/Steel (vinyl coat), Tray/PS (polystyrene)Hook: 76mm x 72 pieces, 127mm x 18 pieces
ASONE Test Tube Stand Z Type (Engraved) Type 1 - 24 Holes
ASONETest Tube Stand Z Type (Engraved) Type 1 - 24 Holes
ASONE NR Round Pipette Stand 6 Racks
ASONENRRound Pipette Stand 6 Racks Specifications:Material: PMMA (acrylic)Applied pipette: NichipetModel number: NRSize (mm): φ175 x 243Number of hanging pipettes (pcs): 6RoHS3 (EU)2015/863 Certificat
ASONE JGN-2 NJ2 Micropipette Stand JGN2 6 Racks
ASONE JGN-2NJ2Micropipette Stand JGN2 6 RacksSpecifications:Micropipette Stand JGN2 6 Racks JGN-2JGN-2190 x 200 x 238mm1pieceMicropipette Stand 4 Racks NJ2NJ2215 x 150 x 212mm1piece
ASONE Rotary Cylinder Stand
ASONERotary Cylinder StandSpecifications:Material: Body/steel (polyethylene resin coating), Water receiver/aluminumApplicable cylinder capacity: 5 - 1000mLDiameter x height (mm): φ500 x 432
ASONE Micropipette Stand Type 4 Racks S
ASONEMicropipette Stand Type 4 Racks SSpecifications:Material: PVC (vinyl chloride resin)Support diameter: φ18mmNumber of hanging for pipette: 4 piecesModel number: S typeSize (mm): 150 x 126 x 195
ASONE Vinyl Chloride Funnel Stand φ34mm x 2 240 x 95 x 450
ASONEVinyl Chloride Funnel Stand φ34mm x 2 240 x 95 x 450 Specifications:Material: PVC (vinyl chloride resin)Hole diameter: φ34mmSize (mm): 240 x 95 x 450Support rod (φmm): 13
ASONE BR-1 BR-2 BR-5 BR-11 BR-12 BR-25 Separatory Funnel Stand 100mL
ASONEBR-1 BR-2 BR-5 BR-11BR-12BR-25Separatory Funnel Stand 100mLSpecifications:Separatory Funnel Stand 100mL BR-1BR-11pieceSeparatory Funnel Stand 200 - 300mL BR-2BR-21pieceSeparatory Funnel Stand 500
ASONE 8 12 Pipet Rack Type
ASONE812Pipet Rack TypeSpecifications:Pipet Rack Type 88For measuring pipetPVC (vinyl chloride)1piecePipet Rack Type 1212For measuring pipetPVC (vinyl chloride)1piecePipette Rack Type 4 1piecePipette
ASONE SPR-3 SPR-6 Pipet Rack
ASONESPR-3SPR-6Pipet RackSpecifications:Pipet Rack SPR-3SPR-31piecePipet Rack SPR-6SPR-61piece
ASONE W600 W900 Beaker Stand 20 Hook Single-Sided Type
ASONEW600W900Beaker Stand 20 Hook Single-Sided TypeSpecifications:Beaker Stand 20 Hook Single-Sided Type, W600W600600 x 150 x 580mm1pieceBeaker Stand 32 Hook Single-Sided Type, W900W900900 x 150 x 580
ASONE Folding Type Test Tube Stand
ASONEFolding Type Test Tube StandSpecifications:Application:For test tubeMaterial:Stainless steelSize (Vertical x horizontal x height):281 x 129 x 103mm
ASONE Brush Tray 24 Hook 6X6
ASONEBrush Tray 24 Hook 6X6Specifications:Number of hooks: 24 piecesMounting method: Wall-mounted (bis optional)Weight: Approx 1.5kgModel number: 6X6Size (mm): 600 x 600
ASONE MCS-1 MCS-2 Graduated Cylinder Stand 50・100・200mL
ASONEMCS-1MCS-2Graduated Cylinder Stand 50・100・200mLSpecifications:Graduated Cylinder Stand 50・100・200mL MCS-1MCS-1330 x 240 x 318mm1pieceGraduated Cylinder Stand 500・1000mL MCS-2MCS-2330 x 240 x 468m
ASONE F18962-0006 Pipette Stand
ASONEF18962-0006Pipette Stand Specifications:Material: Stainless steel (SUS304)Model number: F18962-0006Size (mm): 229 x 146 x 197Number of hanging pipettes (pcs): 5
ASONE 18520-0000 Cuvette Tray
ASONE18520-0000Cuvette Tray Specifications:Material: PP (Polypropylene)Applicable cell size: Optical path length 10mm cellNumber of holes: 42 pieces (7 x 6 pieces)Model number: 18520-0000Size (mm): 12
ASONE 18748-0013 18748-0016 18748-0020 18748-0025 18748-0030 Non Wire Tray For 13mm x 42 Pcs
ASONE18748-001318748-001618748-002018748-002518748-0030Non Wire Tray For 13mm x 42 PcsSpecifications:Non Wire Tray For 13mm x 42 Pcs 18748-001318748-0013Non Wire Tray For 16mm x 30 Pcs 18748-001618748
ASONE FSS-010 Petri Dish Cover Tray
ASONEFSS-010Petri Dish Cover Tray Specifications:Material: PVC (vinyl chloride resin)Adaptive petri dish diameter: φ90mm, φ60mmSize (mm): 100 x 100 x 150Model number: FSS-010
ASONE SR-25 SR-50 Tube Tray (Stainless Steel) 5 Pcs x 5 Columns Storage
ASONESR-25SR-50Tube Tray (Stainless Steel) 5 Pcs x 5 Columns StorageSpecifications:Tube Tray (Stainless Steel) 5 Pcs x 5 Columns Storage Available SR-25SR-25180 x 164 x 78mm1pieceTube Tray (Stainless
TRUSCO TBRS-7S TBRS-9S TBRS-12S Ball Point Hexagon Bar Wrench (Short Type) Set
TRUSCOTBRS-7STBRS-9STBRS-12SBall Point Hexagon Bar Wrench (Short Type) SetSpecifications:Product numberSales resultsNational stockStock QtySet contents (mm)Set contents (books)manufacturerSuggested re
TRUSCO TNN-6A TNN-8A TNN-10A TNN-15A TNN-20A Nipple (Stainless Steel)
TRUSCOTNN-6ATNN-8ATNN-10ATNN-15ATNN-20ANipple (Stainless Steel)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BTNN-6A61/8TNN-8A81/4TNN-10A103/8TNN-15A151/2TNN-20A203/4
TRUSCO TST-0850 TST0850-10M TST-1350 Silica Cloth (Twill Weave) Tape Type
TRUSCOTST-0850TST0850-10MTST-1350Silica Cloth (Twill Weave) Tape TypeSpecification:Product numberLength (m)Thickness (mm)TST-0850300.8TST0850-10M100.8TST-1350301.3
TRUSCO TFP-1310M-304 TFP-1310M-316 TFP-2010M-304 winding flexible pipe for water supply
TRUSCOTFP-1310M-304TFP-1310M-316TFP-2010M-304winding flexible pipe for water supplySpecification:Product numberPipe outer diameter (mm)TFP-1310M-30416TFP-1310M-31616.8TFP-2010M-30420TFP-2010M-31620
TRUSCO TU-6A TU-8A TU-10A TU-15A TU-20A Union (stainless steel)
TRUSCOTU-6ATU-8ATU-10ATU-15ATU-20AUnion (stainless steel)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BTU-6A61/8TU-8A81/4TU-10A103/8TU-15A151/2TU-20A203/4
TRUSCO THHT-13P THHT-16P THHT-20P THHT-25P THHT-30P Thermal Insulation Tube Heat Resistant Type
TRUSCOTHHT-13PTHHT-16PTHHT-20PTHHT-25PTHHT-30PThermal Insulation Tube Heat Resistant TypeSpecification:Product numberOrderUnitTHHT-13P1THHT-16P1THHT-20P1THHT-25P1THHT-30P1
TRUSCO TSGP2-BTM6-8A TSGP2-BTM6-10A TSGP2-BTM6-15A TSGP2-BTM6-20A SGP pipe U-bolt (millimeter screw type) UNIQLO
TRUSCOTSGP2-BTM6-8ATSGP2-BTM6-10ATSGP2-BTM6-15ATSGP2-BTM6-20ASGP pipe U-bolt (millimeter screw type) UNIQLOSpecification:Product numberSuitable tube outer diameter DSuitable tube outer diameter (mm)TS
TRUSCO TP-6A TP-8A TP-10A TP-15A TP-20A square plug (stainless steel)
TRUSCOTP-6ATP-8ATP-10ATP-15ATP-20Asquare plug (stainless steel)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BTP-6A61/8TP-8A81/4TP-10A103/8TP-15A151/2TP-20A203/4
TRUSCO TLL-6A TLL-8A TLL-10A TLL-15A TLL-20A 90° elbow (stainless steel)
TRUSCOTLL-6ATLL-8ATLL-10ATLL-15ATLL-20A90° elbow (stainless steel)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BOrderUnitTLL-6A61/81 pieceTLL-8A81/41 pieceTLL-10A103/81 pieceTLL-15A1
TRUSCO ARC3 Insect repellent cap for air conditioner drainage hose 3 pieces
TRUSCOARC3Insect repellent cap for air conditioner drainage hose 3 piecesSpecification:Product numberLength (mm)ColorOrderUnitARC365light gray1S
TRUSCO TB-8AX6A TB-10AX8A TB-15AX10A TB-20AX15A TB-25AX20A Bushing (stainless steel) Specification: Product number nominal diameter A nominal diameter B Order Unit TB-8AX6A eight x six 1/4×1/8 1 pi
TRUSCOTB-8AX6ATB-10AX8ATB-15AX10ATB-20AX15ATB-25AX20ABushing (stainless steel)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BOrderUnitTB-8AX6Aeight x six1/4×1/81 pieceTB-10AX8Aten x e
TRUSCO BAV-SR8A BAV-SR10A BAV-SR15A BAV-SR20A Ball Valve (Type 800, Stainless Steel SCS13A)
TRUSCOBAV-SR8ABAV-SR10ABAV-SR15ABAV-SR20ABall Valve (Type 800, Stainless Steel SCS13A)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BBAV-SR8A81/4BAV-SR10A103/8BAV-SR15A151/2BAV-SR20A2
TRUSCO TKLM-WB150-U TKLM-WB210-U TKLM-WB300-U TKLM-WB390-U TKLM-WB510-U Multi-bracket for piping support made of steel
TRUSCOTKLM-WB150-UTKLM-WB210-UTKLM-WB300-UTKLM-WB390-UTKLM-WB510-UMulti-bracket for piping support made of steelSpecification: Product number Fare conditionsTKLM-WB150-U-TKLM-WB210-U-TKLM-WB300-U-TKL
TRUSCO TKLM-W180-U TKLM-W240-U Multi-angle for piping support (double hole type, 40 type, set of 5) made of steel
TRUSCOTKLM-W180-UTKLM-W240-UMulti-angle for piping support (double hole type, 40 type, set of 5) made of steelSpecification: Product number Length (mm)TKLM-W180-U1800TKLM-W240-U2400
TRUSCO T860-101 T-86003 T-46004 T860-04 T860-05 Ball Chain
TRUSCOT860-101T-86003T-46004T860-04T860-05Ball ChainSpecification:Product numberDiameter (mm)Length (mm)Orange bookPrice (excluding tax)OrderUnitT860-1013150¥2661 pairT-860033200¥3431 pairT-460043200¥
TRUSCO T860-27 T860-26 T860-25 valve opening and closing display board mounting bracket mounting wire
TRUSCOT860-27T860-26T860-25valve opening and closing display board mounting bracket mounting wireSpecification:Product numberLength (mm)Total length (mm)Orange bookPrice (excluding tax)OrderUnitT860-2
TRUSCO TSTN-6A TSTN-8A TSTN-10A TSTN-15A TSTN-20A Hexagonal Nipple (Stainless Steel)
TRUSCOTSTN-6ATSTN-8ATSTN-10ATSTN-15ATSTN-20AHexagonal Nipple (Stainless Steel)Specification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BTSTN-6A61/8TSTN-8A81/4TSTN-10A103/8TSTN-15A151/2TSTN-20A20
TRUSCO Union Packing
TRUSCOUnion PackingSpecification:Product numbernominal diameter Anominal diameter BD6000-15A-1.5T-UN151/2D6000-20A-1.5T-UN203/4D6000-25A-1.5T-UN251D6000-32A-1.5T-UN321 1/4D6000-40A-1.5T-UN401 1/2
TRUSCO TAF-10010 TAF-12510 TAF-15010 TAF-17510 TAF-20010 "Aluminum Flexible Duct"
TRUSCOTAF-10010TAF-12510TAF-15010TAF-17510TAF-20010"Aluminum Flexible Duct"Specification:Product numberInner diameter (mm)Outer diameter (mm)TAF-10010110112TAF-12510135137TAF-15010160162TAF-
TRUSCO TGT-1350 TGT-1750 TGT-3050 glass tape (plain weave)
TRUSCOTGT-1350TGT-1750TGT-3050glass tape (plain weave)Specification:TGT-13501.3TGT-17501.7TGT-30503
HONDA BF350 Honda’s Flagship Outboard Motor Providing a High-Quality Boating Experience with 350 HP of Propulsion
HONDABF350Honda’s Flagship Outboard Motor Providing a High-Quality Boating Experience with 350 HP of PropulsionSpecification:
HONDA Honda Pioneers Environmentally Friendly Four-Stroke Engines in Honda Outboard Motors
HONDAHonda Pioneers Environmentally Friendly Four-Stroke Engines in Honda Outboard MotorsSpecification:
HONDAHF120Specification:Max. take-off at sea level, static Thrust2,095 lbsMax Dry Weight211 kg (466 lbs)Thrust / weight Ratio4.5Length1,511 mmWidth655 mmHeight775 mm
HONDA GXV390 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGXV390General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGXV390Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary88 x 64 mmdisplacement389 cm3Compression
HONDA GXV160 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGXV160General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGXV160Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary68 x 45 mmdisplacement163 cm3Compression
HONDA GXV57 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGXV57General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGXV57Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary45 x 36 mmdisplacement57.3 cm3Compression
HONDA GXV50 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGXV50General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGXV50Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary41.8 x 36 mmdisplacement49.4 cm3Compressio
HONDA GP200 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGP200General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGP200Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary68 x 54 mmdisplacement196 cm3Compression r
HONDA GP160 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGP160General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGP160Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary68 x 45 mmdisplacement163 cm3Compression r
HONDA iGXV800 General Power Unit
HONDAiGXV800General Power UnitSpecifications:Model nameiGXV800Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineNumber of cylinders/bore x stroke2/83 × 72 mmTotal displacement779 cm3Compres
HONDA iGXV700 General-purpose power unit
HONDAiGXV700General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameiGXV700Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineNumber of cylinders/inner diameter x stroke2/78 × 72 mmTotal displace
HONDA iGX800 General-purpose power unit
HONDAiGX800General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameiGX800Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineNumber of cylinders/inner diameter x stroke2/83 × 72 mmTotal displaceme
HONDA iGX700 General-purpose power unit
HONDAiGX700General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameiGX700Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineNumber of cylinders/inner diameter x stroke2/78 × 72 mmTotal displaceme
HONDA GXV690 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGXV690General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGXV690Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary78 x 72 mmdisplacement688 cm3Compression rati
HONDA GXV630 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGXV630General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGXV630Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary78 x 72 mmdisplacement688 cm3Compression rati
HONDA GX690 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGX690General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGX690Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary78 x 72 mmdisplacement688 cm3Compression ratio9
HONDA GX630 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGX630General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGX630Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke 2-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary78 x 72 mmdisplacement688 cm3Compression ratio9
HONDA iGX390 General-purpose power unit
HONDAiGX390General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameiGX390Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary88 x 64 mmdisplacement389 cm3Compression
HONDA GX390 General-purpose power unit
HONDAGX390General-purpose power unitSpecifications:Model nameGX390Engine typeAir-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder OHV gasoline engineInner diameter x itinerary88 x 64 mmdisplacement389 cm3Compression r
RKC HBA-T120 / HBA-T130 MCU-based Heater Break Alarm (for single/three phase power controllers), DIN-rail mounting type
RKCHBA-T120 / HBA-T130MCU-based Heater Break Alarm (for single/three phase power controllers), DIN-rail mounting typeHBA-T120 (for a single phase power control system)· Input type:HBA-T120□-5 M
RKC Heater break alarm module for single phase/three phase Power control (panel mounting type)
RKCHeater break alarm module for single phase/three phase Power control (panel mounting type)HBA-T22 / HBA-T32/ HBA-T23 / HBA-T33HBA-T22 (for controls by a single phase power controller)· Input
RKC HBA-22 Heater break alarm module
RKCHBA-22Heater break alarm module· Input type: Current transformer (CTL-6-P-□, CTL-18S-□)· Detectable load current: 5A, 10A, 20A, 30A, 100A (depending on CT rating)· Settable range:
RKC SST Three Phase Solid State Relay
RKCSSTThree Phase Solid State Relay· Maximum load current: 10A, 20A, 30A ac· Input signal: DC voltage pulse input: LOW (OFF) 0V, HIGH(ON) 8 to 24V· Response speed: 1/2 cycle of load
RKC SSJ Single Phase Solid State Relays
RKCSSJSingle Phase Solid State Relays· Maximum load current: 15A, 25A, 45A (AC)· Input signal: DC voltage pulse input LOW (OFF) 0V, HIGH (ON) 3.5 to 30V· Response speed: 1/2 cycle+1m
RKC SSL Single Phase Solid State Relay
RKCSSLSingle Phase Solid State Relay· DIN-rail mounting or screw mounting· Maximum load capacity: 15A, 25A (AC)· Supply voltage: 60 to 280V AC· Control method: Zero-cross contr
RKC THW-A Three phase power controller
RKCTHW-AThree phase power controller· Control method: Phase control/Zero-cross control (switchable)· Maximum load capacity: 20A, 30A, 45A, 60A, 80A, 100A· Applicable load: Linear loa
RKC THV-40 (for high voltage load) Single Phase Power Controller
RKCTHV-40 (for high voltage load)Single Phase Power Controller· Control method: Phase control/Zero-cross control (switchable)· Maximum load capacity: 20A, 30A, 45A, 60A, 80A, 100A, 150A, 2
RKC Single Phase Power Controllers SSNP / SSNZ
RKCSingle Phase Power ControllersSSNP / SSNZ· Control method: Phase control (SSNP series), Zero-cross control (SSNZ series)· Maximum load capacity: 15A, 25A ac· Applicable load: Line
RKC THV-A1 Single Phase Power Controller
RKCTHV-A1Single Phase Power Controller· Control method: Phase control/Zero-cross control (switchable)· Maximum load capacity: 20A, 30A, 45A, 60A, 80A, 100A, 150A, 200A (AC)· Applicab
RKC THV-10(150A, 200A) Single Phase Power Controller
RKCTHV-10(150A, 200A)Single Phase Power Controller· Control method: Phase control / Zero-cross control (switchable)· Maximum load capacity: 150A, 200A ac· Applicable load: Linear loa
RKC THV-10(20A, 30A, 45A, 60A, 80A, 100A) Single Phase Power Controller
RKCTHV-10(20A, 30A, 45A, 60A, 80A, 100A)Single Phase Power Controller · Maximum load capacity: 20A AC, 30A AC, 45A AC, 60A AC, 80A AC, 100A AC· Control method: Phase control / Zero-cross c
RKC LTM-100 Handheld Infrared Thermometer
RKCLTM-100Handheld Infrared Thermometer· Measurement accuracy: -40 to +300°CAccuracy (when ambient temperature is 25±2°C and emissivity is 1)0 to 300°C: ±(1%+1digit) of measured value or ±(2°C +
RKC BTM-80 Infrared Thermometer
RKCBTM-80Infrared ThermometerSpecifications:· Temperature Measuring Range : 0 to 400°C· Optical system: Si lens (Silicon lens)· Detecting element and wavelength: Thermopile/8 to 14μm
RKC LT1 Back-pressure type level switch
RKCLT1Back-pressure type level switchSpecifications:· Number of inputs: 1 point ※LE110 is supplied with an atmospheric pressure measurement input.· Input media: Non corrosive gas· In
RKC BTM-30 / BTM-40 Infrared Thermometers
RKCBTM-30 / BTM-40Infrared ThermometersSpecifications:· Temperature Measuring Range :BTM-30TAC, BTM-40TAC: -40 to +500°CBTM-30TAC-HT, BTM-40TAC-HT: 0 to 1000°C· Optical system: Si lens·
RKC LE100 / LE110 Back-pressure type level meter
RKCLE100 / LE110Back-pressure type level meterSpecifications:· Number of input: 1* LE110 is supplied with atmospheric pressure measurement input.· Input medium: Non-corrosive gas· In
RKC PG500 Indicator for melt pressure sensors
RKCPG500Indicator for melt pressure sensorsSpecifications:· Sensor type: Strain gauge sensor· Input range:1) Gain setting range of pressure sensor: 0.500 to 0.999mV/V-6.0mV to 15.9mV (incl
RKC PCT-300 Converter for melt pressure sensors
RKCPCT-300Converter for melt pressure sensorsSpecifications:· Supported sensors: Strain gauge type sensors· Input range: Standard type: 0 to 19.99mV, Explosion-proof type: 0 to 11.6mV ※ Ex
RKC CZ-200P Resin Pressure Sensor
RKCCZ-200PResin Pressure SensorSpecifications:· Pressure transducing method: 4-edge bonded strain gauge type Wheatstone bridge.· Range (Rated pressure): Refer to pressure range code.·
MALCOMMS-9CFLUX CONTROLLER(MS-9C)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameMS-9CSpecific Gravity Range0.8000 - 0.9000 (0.7500 - 0.8500) Chang-over switchSpecific Gravity Accuracy+/-0.0030Temperature C
MALCOMPM-2SPIRAL VISCOMETERSpecifications:ItemSpecificationModel NamePM-2APM-2BPM-2CMeasurement Range5.0~500Pa・s0.20~19.99Pa・s20~1999mPa・sSpeed Range10RPM±5% ※140RPM±5% ※140RPM±5% ※1Shear Rate0.6×N s-
MALCOMPC-10AASPIRAL VISCOMETER(For high viscosity)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NamePC-10AARotor Type ※1AAViscosity Range100~2000(Pa・s)(1000~20,000P)Speed Range (N)3~20rpmFIX:10rpmShear Rate (
MALCOMPC-11SPIRAL VISCOMETER(PC-11)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NamePC-11Rotor Type ※1ABCViscosity Range5~800 (Pa・s)0.2~20 (Pa・s)20~2,000 (mPa・s)(50~8,000P)(2.0~200P)(20~2,000cP)Speed Range (
MALCOMMD-9900SPECIFIC GRAVITY CONTROLLER(MD-9900)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameMD-9900Measurement Range0.700 - 1.750 * 0.800 - 0.900, 1.000 - 1.100 Selectable on request Range: 0.1 example
MALCOMPCU-02VSPIRALVISCOMETER(PCU-02V)Specifications:Measurement Range20~300Pa.s (20~50Pa.s 20rpm ・50~300Pa・s 10rpm)Sample Amount0.2ccSpeed Range (N)1~100RPMFIX: 10rpmShear Rate (D)0.6×Ns-1Measurement
MALCOMHD-1SPECIFIC GRAVITY METER(HD-1)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameHD-1Specific gravity Range0.700~1.850Measurement Accuracy+/-0.002Measurement MethodElectro-Balance sensorMeasurement Bob
MALCOMPM-2SPIRAL VISCOMETER(PM-2)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NamePM-2APM-2BPM-2CMeasurement Range5.0~500Pa・s0.20~19.99Pa・s20~1999mPa・sSpeed Range10RPM±5% ※140RPM±5% ※140RPM±5% ※1Shear Rate0.
MALCOMPNE-2080NUCLEIC ACID EXTRACTOR EQUIPPED WITH SPECTROPHOTOMETERSpecifications:ItemSpecificationModel NamePNE-2080Equipment typePortableSample quantity5 - 50μl (varies according to sample)installe
MALCOMSPS-10SOLDER PASTE SOFTENERSpecifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSPS-10Mixing MethodPseudo-Planetary Motion Revolution : Centrifugal stress makes solder paste fluid Decentering Rotation : Mi
MALCOMSY-8VMCSVACUUM MIXING SYSTEM (SYRINGE TYPE SY-8VMCS)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSY-8VMCSSyringe10cc x 16pcs. or 30cc x 8pcs. or 55cc x 8pcs. (selectable on request)Mixing MethodRot
MALCOMSPS-2000SOLDER PASTE SOFTENER(SPS-2000)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSPS-2000Outer Dimension370(W)×410(D)×402(H)(mm)(not including protrusions)Mixing MethodOne container kneading : S
MALCOMSAP-L1SYRINGE LIQUID DISPENSING SYSTEM(SAP-L1)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSAP-L1Phosphor dispensing unitMethodLiquid screw methodMaterialLiquid(1mPa・s~15000mPa・s)Accuracy±1mgPhosph
MALCOMSAP-F1SYRINGE PHOSPHOR DISPENSING SYSTEM(SAP-F1)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSAP-F1Phosphor dispensing unitMethodPowder screw methodMaterialPhosphorAccuracy±0.3mgPhosphor dispensing
MALCOMSY-8VMCSVACUUM MIXING SYSTEM (SYRINGE TYPE SY-8VMCS)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSY-8VMCSSyringe10cc x 16pcs. or 30cc x 8pcs. or 55cc x 8pcs. (selectable on request)Mixing MethodRot
MALCOMSY-2VVACUUM MIXING SYSTEM (SYRINGE TYPE SY-2V)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameSY-2VSyringe5cc or 10cc x 4pcs. or 30cc x 2pcs.(selectable on request)Mixing MethodRotation variable angle
MALCOMTL-12XTHERMOLOGGER(TL-12X)Specifications:ItemSpecificationModel NameTL-12XMemory unit model nameRCM-SMeasuring Temp. Range0 - 500℃ * 1Max Measuring TimeApprox. 10 hours * 1 * 2Sampling Time0.05,
MALCOM TMR-1 TMR-1 System Program(TMR-1)
MALCOMTMR-1TMR-1 System Program(TMR-1)Specifications:ItemSpecificationCompatible modelsRCM-S(RCM-T・RCM-O・RCM-W・RCM-C・RCM-SV・RCM-R)RCA-1・RCO-1・RCW-1RCM-62・RCR-06・RCM-GSupported operation systemWindows
KYOWA YC-JIS JIS Rack Mounting Bracket
KYOWAYC-JISJIS Rack Mounting BracketSpecifications:This is the mounting bracket for mounting the YC storage case on a JIS standard rack.
KYOWAYC-HANDLEHandle for YC-ASpecifications:This is a handle that can be attached to the YC storage case.
KYOWA YC-DIN DIN Rack Mounting Bracket for YC-8A
KYOWAYC-DINDIN Rack Mounting Bracket for YC-8ASpecifications:This is the mounting bracket for mounting the YC storage case on a DIN rack.
KYOWA YC-8A Portable Housing Case (8 housing units)
KYOWAYC-8APortable Housing Case (8 housing units)Specifications:ModelYC-8AYC-8A-AC/DCObject Product ModelDPM-900 seriesCDV-900ACDA-900AVAQ-700ADA-710AHousing Units8Power Supply100 VAC (YC-8A)100 VAC o
KYOWA YC-6A Portable Housing Case (6 housing units)
KYOWAYC-6APortable Housing Case (6 housing units)Specifications:ModelYC-6AYC-6A-AC/DCObject Product ModelDPM-900 seriesCDV-900ACDA-900AVAQ-700ADA-710AHousing Units6Power Supply100 VAC (YC-6A)100 VAC o
KYOWA YC-4A Portable Housing Case (4 housing units)
KYOWAYC-4APortable Housing Case (4 housing units)Specifications:ModelYC-4AYC-4A-AC/DCObject Product ModelDPM-900 seriesCDV-900ACDA-900AVAQ-700ADA-710AHousing Units4Power Supply100 VAC (YC-4A)100 VAC o
KYOWA YC-3A Portable Housing Case (3 housing units)
KYOWAYC-3APortable Housing Case (3 housing units)Specifications:ModelYC-3AYC-3A-AC/DCObject Product ModelDPM-900 seriesCDV-900ACDA-900AVAQ-700ADA-710AHousing Units3Power Supply100 VAC (YC-3A)100 VAC o
KYOWA Dummy Panel for 1 Channel
KYOWADummy Panel for 1 ChannelSpecifications:Dummy panel used for the empty unit in the YC storage case
KYOWA X-1-DT Ballpoint Probe
KYOWAX-1-DT Ballpoint ProbeSpecifications:Product nameBallpoint ProbeObject Product ModelProbes for replacement of DTH, DTJ, DT-D, DTK type standard accessory probes
KYOWA XS-6-DT Spheric Probe
KYOWAXS-6-DT Spheric ProbeSpecifications:Product nameSpheric ProbeObject Product ModelDTK-A, DTH-A, DTJ-A, DT-D
KYOWA XS-5-DT Flat Probe
KYOWAXS-5-DT FlatProbeSpecifications:Product nameFlat ProbeObject Product ModelDTK-A, DTH-A, DTJ-A, DT-D
KYOWA XS-2-DT Flat Probe
KYOWAXS-2-DT Flat ProbeSpecifications:Product nameFlat ProbeObject Product ModelDTK-A, DTH-A, DTJ-A, DT-D
KYOWA XS-105-DT Spheric Probe Probe
KYOWAXS-105-DT Spheric ProbeProbeSpecifications:Product nameSpheric ProbeObject Product ModelDTK-A, DTH-A, DTJ-A, DT-D
KYOWA WDS-500-COVER Silicon cover
KYOWAWDS-500-COVERSilicon coverSpecifications:Silicon cover for checkers such as the WDS-500B
KYOWA WDS-500-CASE Soft Case with Shoulder Strap
KYOWAWDS-500-CASESoft Case with Shoulder StrapSpecifications:Carrying case for checkers such as the WDS-500B and WDS-190AS1
KYOWA UNI324-2410-CT AC Adapter for 24 VDC supply
KYOWAUNI324-2410-CTAC Adapter for 24 VDC supplySpecifications:This is the AC power adapter for the WD-100A and WP-120A.
KYOWA UT-50A Terminal Cover
KYOWAUT-50ATerminal CoverSpecifications:This cover protects the terminals of the UCAM-550 unit.
KYOWA UNI360-1540-AC AC adapter
KYOWAUNI360-1540-ACAC adapterSpecifications:This is the AC power adapter.
KYOWA UI-55A One-touch Type Input Adapter
KYOWAUI-55AOne-touch Type Input AdapterSpecifications:Channels4Sensor ConnectionOne-touch type terminalsMain Measuring InstrumentsPCD-400B/430BEDX-11A/14A/15A (For full bridge only)Measuring Targets2-
KYOWA UI-54B-350 For 350 Ω gage
KYOWAUI-54B-350 For 350 Ω gageSpecifications:Channels4Sensor ConnectionOne-touch type terminalsMeasuring Instrument ConnectionDirect connectionCompatible Bridge Resistance350 ΩMeasuring Targets2-wire
IMAO SSR-MH4910. SSR-MH4911. SSR-MH4912. Moving handle
IMAOSSR-MH4910.SSR-MH4911.SSR-MH4912.Moving handleSpecifications:Item numberSSR-MH4910.SSR-MH4911.
IMAO SSR-BP4500. SSR-BP4501. SSR-BP4502. Base plate
IMAOSSR-BP4500.SSR-BP4501.SSR-BP4502.Base plateSpecifications:Item numberSSR-BP4500.SSR-BP4501.SSR-BP4502.
IMAO SSR-MB4000. SSR-MB4001. SSR-MB4002. Master base
IMAOSSR-MB4000.SSR-MB4001.SSR-MB4002.Master baseSpecifications:Item numberSSR-MB4000.SSR-MB4001.SSR-MB4002.
IMAO SSR-THL2500. Tool holder (manual operation)
IMAOSSR-THL2500.Tool holder (manual operation)Specifications:Item numberSSR-THL2500.
IMAO SSR-RML 1500 Robot Master (manual operation)
IMAOSSR-RML 1500Robot Master (manual operation)Specifications:Item numberSSR-RML 1500
IMAO SSR-TP3500. Tool pocket (HD type)
IMAOSSR-TP3500.Tool pocket (HD type)Specifications:Item numberSSR-TP3500.
IMAO SSR-THEM2620. SSR-THEF2621. Tool holder (HD type, M8 connector)
IMAOSSR-THEM2620.SSR-THEF2621.Tool holder (HD type, M8 connector)Specifications:Item numberSSR-THEM2620.SSR-THEF2621.
IMAO SSR-RMEF1610. SSR-RMEM1611. Robot Master (HD type, M8 connector)
IMAOSSR-RMEF1610.SSR-RMEM1611.Robot Master (HD type, M8 connector)Specifications:Item numberSSR-RMEF1610.SSR-RMEM1611.
IMAO SSR-TH2600. Tool holder (HD type)
IMAOSSR-TH2600.Tool holder (HD type)Specifications:Item numberSSR-TH2600.
IMAO SSR-RM1600. Robot Master (HD type)
IMAOSSR-RM1600.Robot Master (HD type)Specifications:Item numberSSR-RM1600.
IMAO SSR-THEM2121. SSR-THEF2122. Tool holder (M8 connector)
IMAOSSR-THEM2121.SSR-THEF2122.Tool holder (M8 connector)Specifications:Item numberSSR-THEM2121.SSR-THEF2122.
IMAO SSR-RMEF1121. SSR-RMEM1122. Robot Master (M8 Connector)
IMAOSSR-RMEF1121.SSR-RMEM1122.Robot Master (M8 Connector)Specifications:Item numberSSR-RMEF1121.SSR-RMEM1122.
IMAO DE-SS-3M. THE-SS Spline shaft
IMAODE-SS-3M.THE-SSSpline shaftSpecifications:Item numberDE-SS-3M.THE-SS
KITZWXUVS75XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (2
KITZWXUVS75XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75*
KITZWXUVS50XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25)0.6 (25)Seat
KITZWXUVS50XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25 mm (1 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25m
KITZWXUVS150XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (
KITZWXUVS150XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75
KITZWXUVS100XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (
KITZWXUVS100XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75
KITZWXUS200XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (2
KITZWXUS200XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75*
KITZWXUD75XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (25
KITZWXUD75XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (
KITZWXUD350XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (2
KITZWXUD350XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75*
KITZWXUD300XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (2
KITZWXUD300XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75*
KITZWXUD250XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (2
KITZWXUD250XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75*
KITZWXUD200XUVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75* (25-50)0.6 (2
KITZWXUD200XGVALVESpecifications:Approvals: Lead Free,Japan Water Works Association 25-50 mm (1-2 inch)Test Pressure(MPa)Inspection Standard:JIS S 3200*=Priodic TestWater PressureAir PressureBody1.75*
ESCO EA521TA-5B 185mm file (5 types, 5 pieces / medium size)
ESCOEA521TA-5B185mm file (5 types, 5 pieces / medium size)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 5 (flat, semi-round, round, square, triangle)Total length185mmBlade length85mmRoughnessNakameShape (mm)Flat
ESCO EA521PJ 200mm file (chrome coating 5 pieces / medium)
ESCOEA521PJ200mm file (chrome coating 5 pieces / medium)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 5 (flat, semi-round, round, square, triangle)Total length200mmBlade length110mmRoughnessNakameMaterialAlloy t
ESCO EA521TA-10H 185mm file (10 types, 10 pieces/fine)
ESCOEA521TA-10H185mm file (10 types, 10 pieces/fine)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 10 (flat, semi-round, round, square, triangle, shinogi, tapered, oval, blade, belly round)Total length185mmBlade
ESCO EA521TA-3A 170mm file (flat, half round, round = 3 pieces / medium)
ESCOEA521TA-3A170mm file (flat, half round, round = 3 pieces / medium)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 3 (flat, half round, round)Total length170mmBlade length70mmRoughnessNakameShape (mm)Flat: 4 x
ESCO EA521PH-52 235mm file (flat/single coarse/single medium)
ESCOEA521PH-52235mm file (flat/single coarse/single medium)Specifications:Total length (mm)235Blade length (mm)120RoughnessSingle coarse/single mediumShape (mm)Flat (16×4)MaterialCarbon tool steel (SK
ESCO EA521TA-3H 215mm file (flat, semi-round, round = 3 pieces / fine)
ESCOEA521TA-3H215mm file (flat, semi-round, round = 3 pieces / fine)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 3 (flat, half round, round)Total length215mmBlade length110mmRoughnessFine eyesShape (mm)Flat: 11
ESCO EA521PH-46 215mm file (chrome coating/flat/coarse/fine)
ESCOEA521PH-46215mm file (chrome coating/flat/coarse/fine)Specifications:Total length (mm)215RoughnessCoarse/fineShape (mm)Flat (11×3.5)MaterialCarbon tool steel (SK material)Weight59gIt has a Bright
ESCO EA521PH-33 130mm file (half round / medium / push-cut)
ESCOEA521PH-33130mm file (half round / medium / push-cut)Specifications:Total length (mm)130Blade length (mm)40RoughnessNakameShape (mm)Half circle (10 x 3.6)MaterialAlloy tool steel (SKS-8)For cuttin
ESCO EA521PH-31 130mm file (flat/medium/pushed)
ESCOEA521PH-31130mm file (flat/medium/pushed)Specifications:Total length (mm)130Blade length (mm)40RoughnessNakameShape (mm)Flat (10 x 3)MaterialAlloy tool steel (SKS-8)For cuttingIt is ideal for shav
ESCO EA521PH-11 215mm file (flat/unicut)
ESCOEA521PH-11215mm file (flat/unicut)Specifications:Total length215mmBlade length110mmShape (mm)Flat (11 x 3.5)file eyesUnicutMaterialAlloy tool steel (SKS-8)It can be used for light alloys and plast
ESCO EA521PH-66 215mm file (for deburring/chrome coating/coarse grain)
ESCOEA521PH-66215mm file (for deburring/chrome coating/coarse grain)Specifications:Total length (mm)215Blade length (mm)110RoughnessRoughnessShape (mm)Flat (11×3.5)MaterialCarbon tool steel (SK materi
ESCO EA521PH-45 215mm file (2 pieces / chrome coating / flat / coarse - oil grain
ESCOEA521PH-45215mm file (2 pieces / chrome coating / flat / coarse - oil grainSpecifications:SpecificationSet of 2Set contentsEA521PH-46×1EA521PH-47×1Total length (mm)215Blade length (mm)110Roughness
ESCO EA521TA-5F 185mm file (5 types, 5 sets/fine)
ESCOEA521TA-5F185mm file (5 types, 5 sets/fine)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 5 (flat, semi-round, round, square, triangle)Total length185mmBlade length85mmRoughnessFine eyesShape (mm)Flat: 7 x 2.
ESCO EA521PH-62 215mm file (for deburring / flat / medium)
ESCOEA521PH-62215mm file (for deburring / flat / medium)Specifications:Total length (mm)215Blade length (mm)110RoughnessNakameShape (mm)Flat (11×3.5)MaterialCarbon tool steel (SK material)Weight75gIt
ESCO EA521PH-6 215mm file (all-purpose)
ESCOEA521PH-6215mm file (all-purpose)Specifications:Total length215mmBlade length110mmShape (mm)Flat (11 x 3.5)RoughnessLarge coarse eyesMaterialAlloy tool steel (SKS-8)file eyescompoundWeight57gIt ca
ESCO EA521TN-1 215mm file (flat, set of 4 pieces / coarse, medium, fine, oily grain)
ESCOEA521TN-1215mm file (flat, set of 4 pieces / coarse, medium, fine, oily grain)Specifications:SpecificationFlat shape 4 pieces (coarse, medium, fine, oil)Total length215mmBlade length110mmWidth11mm
ESCO EA521TA-5H 215mm file (5 types, 5 pieces / fine)
ESCOEA521TA-5H215mm file (5 types, 5 pieces / fine)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 5 (flat, semi-round, round, square, triangle)Total length215mmBlade length110mmRoughnessFine eyesShape (mm)Flat: 1
ESCO EA521PH-60 215mm file (3 pieces / for deburring / flat / coarse - fine)
ESCOEA521PH-60215mm file (3 pieces / for deburring / flat / coarse - fine)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 3Set contentsEA521PH-61×1EA521PH-62×1EA521PH-63×1Total length (mm)215Blade length (mm)110Ro
ESCO EA521TA-3E 170mm file (flat, semi-round, round = 3 pieces / fine)
ESCOEA521TA-3E170mm file (flat, semi-round, round = 3 pieces / fine)Specifications:SpecificationSet of 3 (flat, half round, round)Total length170mmBlade length70mmRoughnessFine eyesShape (mm)Flat: 4 x
ESCO EA521PJ-2 200mm file (chrome coated semi-round/medium)
ESCOEA521PJ-2200mm file (chrome coated semi-round/medium)Specifications:Total length200mmBlade length110mmRoughnessNakameShape (mm)Half circle (9.5 x 3)MaterialAlloy tool steel (SKS-8)The surface of t
AMADA Multi-tool Stocker M.T.S.-298AFH For AFH Tools
AMADAMulti-tool Stocker M.T.S.-298AFH For AFH Tools
AMADA Polycarbonate Dies
AMADAPolycarbonate DiesSpecifications: •Elastic performance avoids shoulder marks & joint marks* care is needed for aluminum materials◦ Light weight of 1/2 of Sts 1V die◦ S
ESCO EA557DT-300. [+ -] Screwdriver set (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA557DT-300.[+ -] Screwdriver set (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerESCO originalMaterialYUS 550Size (mm)(+)#2×6.3,(-) 6.0 x 1.0Axis length100 mmThe handle is an air cushion spec
ESCO EA560AC-1A. #1 x 80mm [Pozidriv] Screwdriver (stainless steel)
ESCOEA560AC-1A.#1 x 80mm [Pozidriv] Screwdriver (stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number032031Product name3355 PZSize#1.Shaft length (mm)80Handle length (mm)98Shaft diameter (mm)4
ESCO EA560A-305. Set of 6 [+ - pozi] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA560A-305.Set of 6 [+ - pozi] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number032063Size (mm)(+) #1・#2(PZ)#1・#2(-) 3.0×0.5・6.5×1.2(6 groups)Shaft length (mm)(+) 8
ESCO EA560A-300. Set of 6 [+ -] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA560A-300.Set of 6 [+ -] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number※ESCO original set product<Set Contents>6 groups(+) DriverTip x shaft diameter, sha
ESCO EA560A-200A. 10x1.6mm/200mm [-] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA560A-200A.10x1.6mm/200mm [-] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number032007Product name3334Blade width x blade thickness (mm)(-) 10 x 1.6Shaft length (mm
ESCO EA611BJ-101. 9-piece screwdriver bit set
ESCOEA611BJ-101.9-piece screwdriver bit setSpecifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number071110Bit holder50mm (hexagon opposite side 1/4)Total length of bits25 mm(+) bit#2Positive drive bit#1・#2 (※#2 is
ESCO EA611BS-25. T30x89mm [Bore Torx] Screwdriver Bit (Stainless Steel)
ESCOEA611BS-25.T30x89mm [Bore Torx] Screwdriver Bit (Stainless Steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number071094Product name3,867/4Hexagonal shank1/4"SizeT30.Total length (mm)89MaterialSta
ESCO EA612AW-8. 8.0x50mm nut setter (hold/stainless steel)
ESCOEA612AW-8.8.0x50mm nut setter (hold/stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number071223Product name3869/4Hexagonal shank1/4"Total length50 mmOpposite side8mmOuter diameter14 mm
ESCO EA560WB-50. 1/4" Hex/119mm screwdriver handle (stainless steel)
ESCOEA560WB-50.1/4" Hex/119mm screwdriver handle (stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number051465Product name3816 ROpposite hexagon1/4"Total length119 mmMade of stainless
ESCO EA560AW-14. 1.0x5.5x125mm[-] screwdriver (insulated/stainless steel)
ESCOEA560AW-14.1.0x5.5x125mm[-] screwdriver (insulated/stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number022732Product name3160 andBlade width x blade thickness (mm)(-) 5.5 x 1.0Shaft length
ESCO EA560AW-21. #1 x 80mm [+] screwdriver (insulated/stainless steel)
ESCOEA560AW-21.#1 x 80mm [+] screwdriver (insulated/stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number022733Product name3162 ISize(+) #1Shaft length (mm)801000V insulationTip non-slip proces
ESCO EA611AJ-22. 1.5-6.0/7 pieces [Hex] Screwdriver Bit (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA611AJ-22.1.5-6.0/7 pieces [Hex] Screwdriver Bit (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number※ESCO original set product●Made of stainless steel... It is a product with ex
ESCO EA557DT-3. #3 x150mm [+] screwdriver (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA557DT-3.#3 x150mm [+] screwdriver (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerESCO originalTip x shaft diameter (mm)#3 times 8Shaft length (mm)150With tip magnetMade by YUS550The handle
ESCO EA560A-2. #2 x100mm [+] screwdriver (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA560A-2.#2 x100mm [+] screwdriver (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number032022Product name3350Size x shaft diameter (mm)#2 x 6.0Shaft length (mm)100Handle length (m
ESCO EA611BS-13A. 5.0x89mm [Hexagon] Screwdriver bit (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA611BS-13A.5.0x89mm [Hexagon] Screwdriver bit (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number071103Product name3,840/4Hexagonal shank1/4"Total length89 mmSize5.0 mmMate
ESCO EA560A-80. (+)(-) Screwdriver set [made of stainless steel]
ESCOEA560A-80.(+)(-) Screwdriver set [made of stainless steel]Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number032001Product name3335No non-slip processingTip0.5 x 3.0 mmAxis length80 mmMaterialStainless s
ESCO EA557DT-150. 8.0x150mm [-] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)
ESCOEA557DT-150.8.0x150mm [-] Screwdriver (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerESCO originalBlade width x blade thickness (mm)8 x 1.1Shaft length (mm)150With tip magnetMade by YUS550The
ESCO EA557DT-75. 5.5x 75mm [-] Screwdriver (stainless steel)
ESCOEA557DT-75.5.5x 75mm [-] Screwdriver (stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerESCO original●Made of stainless steel... It is a product with excellent corrosion resistance, chemical resistance,
ESCO EA611BS-11A. 3.0x89mm [Hexagon] Screwdriver bit (made of stainless ste
ESCOEA611BS-11A.3.0x89mm [Hexagon] Screwdriver bit (made of stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerWera.Model number071101Product name3,840/4Hexagonal shank1/4"Total length89 mmSize3.0 mmMate
ESCO EA557DT-1. #1 x 75mm [+] screwdriver (stainless steel)
ESCOEA557DT-1.#1 x 75mm [+] screwdriver (stainless steel)Specifications:ManufacturerESCO original●Made of stainless steel... It is a product with excellent corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, a
About us
The total number of employees working in Kyoto Tamasaki China is more than 80. The head office was established in Osaka in 2011, in line with the policy of 'quality, fast, caring', set up 9 branches overseas, respectively in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Beijing, Jiangxi. Tamasaki team built up from scratch, especially in 2018, Guangzhou, Jiangxi company is also forming one by one, 2023 in Malaysia to set up branches, and then hope that each overseas branch to play the advantages of the current location, to serve our customers better.
In 2018, the positioning of the Tamasaki brand has gradually moved from a traditional service-oriented trading company to a professional company with strategic projects. In the past year, Tamasaki has made significant improvements in terms of product capability, service quality and response speed. We successfully reached a strategic cooperation with nearly 100 Japanese original factories, and provide installation and commissioning, maintenance, operator training and other perfect technical service support.
I have extracted four outstanding characteristics from all Tamasaki people, which are summarized in our company values;
Unity and Collaboration:
Understanding and recognizing individual differences, respect for others, teamwork, and active substitution;
Pursuit of Excellence:
Dedication to our work, striving for excellence, pushing our limits, setting job and industry standards, and finding a sense of meaning and enjoyment in our work;
Integrity and dependability:
Contractual spirit, keeping promises;
Not deviate from the purpose of the work, creatively complete the implementation of the results;
We will also insist on providing our customers with the best prices and services, and in the process become a respected company that positively influences the industry. We hope that one day Tamasaki will realize our vision:
"To be the most respected and fastest and best responsive supplier of Japanese industrial products in China.
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